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Packages in unstable/amd64 where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied

reproducible icon 140 (0.4%) packages where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied. Note that temporary failures (eg. due to network problems) are automatically rescheduled every 4 hours.

gnome-video-trimmer rust-pangocairo rust-gdk-pixbuf rust-pango-sys gir-rust-code-generator rust-pango rust-graphene-sys rust-graphene-rs rust-cairo-rs rust-gio rust-gdk4-sys rust-cairo-sys-rs rust-glib-sys rust-gobject-sys rust-ntest-timeout rust-assert rust-futures-codec rust-async-stream rust-eui48 xfce4-notes-plugin r-bioc-biostrings rust-async-stream-impl qtwebkit-opensource-src tryton-modules-account-fr zstd-jni-java rust-usb-disk-probe obs-time-source pyside2 rust-lz4-flex rust-stderrlog rust-config rust-tree-magic-mini icebreaker astroidmail rust-bytelines plotly mozilla-noscript rust-failure-derive tree-style-tab rust-cid-npm rust-multihash-codetable python-xrt rust-rust-unixfs oxigraph facet-analyser r-bioc-rcwl rust-gsettings-macro jupyter-server-terminals pytorch-geometric ypy pplacer aws-checksums cross-toolchain-base-mipsen rust-imperative php-fig-log-test ruby-rackup php-laravel-lumen-framework materialize debian-installer## pytorch-sparse ruby-rack-session rust-weedle dioptas rust-matchers elixir-ex-doc darcs alire cross-toolchain-base-ports hyperspy setuptools rust-include-dir-impl libpappsomspp rust-wasm-bindgen-webidl eclipse-tracecompass ipywidgets rust-rspotify ruby-rubydns ruby-google-cloud-translate rust-rust-code-analysis-cli haskell-hsyaml-aeson minexpert2 libpsml rust-rust-code-analysis asis tinyjsd libaws gnat-gps ants# adacontrol backup2swift autofill-forms adabrowse dirspec resvg rust-exitfailure ghdl glirc mac-widgets sagemath rust-assert-cli spyder-unittest cgoban gpick cpan-listchanges ink geany-plugins berusky2 haskell-userid feh haskell-tidal keras verilog-mode stylish-haskell haskell-happstack-authenticate tycho pytest-jupyter haskell-ircbot boinc-app-eah-brp sardana pagetools roger-router sagetex librm threadscope cross-toolchain-base ecere-sdk aws-shell rust-transmission-client vibe.d eclipse-collections haskell-raaz django-cachalot xjig ltx flask-appbuilder nbsphinx rust-glycin xtables-addons r-cran-systemfonts kpackage

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.