INFO: version 1.2.3 starting (python version = 2.7.9)... Start: init plugins DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/yum_cache/ INFO: selinux disabled Finish: init plugins Start: run DEBUG: mock final configuration: DEBUG: scm: False DEBUG: resultdir: /tmp/mingw-libgnurx-rbuild-rpm-vGxK2F3b DEBUG: yum_builddep_command: /usr/bin/yum-builddep DEBUG: dist: fc23 DEBUG: verbose: 2 DEBUG: use_host_resolv: True DEBUG: createrepo_command: /usr/bin/createrepo_c -d -q -x *.src.rpm DEBUG: target_arch: x86_64 DEBUG: more_buildreqs: {} DEBUG: chrootuid: 105 DEBUG: update_before_build: True DEBUG: root_log_fmt_str: %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s DEBUG: state_log_fmt_str: %(asctime)s - %(message)s DEBUG: backup_base_dir: /var/lib/mock/backup DEBUG: internal_dev_setup: True DEBUG: environment: {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: releasever: 23 DEBUG: dnf_command: /usr/bin/dnf DEBUG: extra_chroot_dirs: ['/run/lock'] DEBUG: build_log_fmt_name: unadorned DEBUG: chrootgid: 999 DEBUG: files: {} DEBUG: print_main_output: False DEBUG: online: True DEBUG: cache_alterations: False DEBUG: cleanup_on_success: True DEBUG: useradd: /usr/sbin/useradd -o -m -u %(uid)s -g %(gid)s -d %(home)s -n %(user)s DEBUG: root_log_fmt_name: detailed DEBUG: chroot_name: fedora-23-x86_64 DEBUG: plugin_conf: {'package_state_enable': False, 'chroot_scan_opts': {'regexes': ['\\bcore(\\.\\d+)?$', '\\.log$'], 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'ccache_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'compress': None, 'max_cache_size': '4G', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/ccache/'}, 'root_cache_opts': {'exclude_dirs': ['./proc', './sys', './dev', './tmp/ccache', './var/cache/yum'], 'compress_program': 'pigz', 'extension': '.gz', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'age_check': True, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'max_age_days': 15, 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/root_cache/'}, 'mount_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'yum_cache_enable': True, 'chroot_scan_enable': False, 'bind_mount_opts': {'dirs': [], 'create_dirs': False, 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64'}, 'yum_cache_opts': {'max_metadata_age_days': 30, 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'online': True, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'max_age_days': 30, 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/yum_cache/'}, 'root_cache_enable': True, 'selinux_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'tmpfs_enable': False, 'tmpfs_opts': {'keep_mounted': False, 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'required_ram_mb': 900, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'mode': '0755', 'max_fs_size': None, 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64'}, 'ccache_enable': True, 'selinux_enable': True, 'package_state_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'mount_enable': False, 'bind_mount_enable': True} DEBUG: nosync_force: False DEBUG: rhnplugin.conf: [main] enabled=0 DEBUG: state_log_fmt_name: state DEBUG: plugin_dir: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mockbuild/plugins DEBUG: rpm_command: /bin/rpm DEBUG: config_paths: ['/etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg', '/etc/mock/fedora-23-x86_64.cfg'] DEBUG: root: fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2 DEBUG: build_log_fmt_str: %(message)s DEBUG: legal_host_arches: ('x86_64',) DEBUG: internal_setarch: True DEBUG: scm_opts: {'exclude_vcs': True, 'git_timestamps': False, 'write_tar': False, 'svn_get': 'svn co file:///srv/svn/SCM_PKG/SCM_BRN SCM_PKG', 'spec': 'SCM_PKG.spec', 'git_get': 'git clone SCM_BRN git://localhost/SCM_PKG.git SCM_PKG', 'cvs_get': 'cvs -d /srv/cvs co SCM_BRN SCM_PKG', 'ext_src_dir': '/dev/null', 'method': 'git'} DEBUG: yum_command: /usr/bin/yum DEBUG: yum_builddep_opts: DEBUG: yum.conf: [main] keepcache=1 debuglevel=2 reposdir=/dev/null logfile=/var/log/yum.log retries=20 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=0 assumeyes=1 syslog_ident=mock syslog_device= install_weak_deps=0 metadata_expire=0 # repos [fedora] name=fedora baseurl= metalink=$basearch failovermethod=priority #gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/mock/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary #gpgcheck=1 [updates] name=updates baseurl= metalink=$basearch failovermethod=priority #gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/mock/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary #gpgcheck=1 [reproducible-builds] name=reproducible-builds # dhiru's repository, see # this is the same person: dhiru = kholia = halfie baseurl= enabled=1 DEBUG: cleanup_on_failure: True DEBUG: enable_disable_repos: [] DEBUG: plugins: ['tmpfs', 'root_cache', 'yum_cache', 'bind_mount', 'ccache', 'selinux', 'package_state', 'chroot_scan', 'lvm_root', 'compress_logs', 'mount'] DEBUG: no_root_shells: False DEBUG: check: True DEBUG: nosync: False DEBUG: priorities.conf: [main] enabled=0 DEBUG: yum_common_opts: [] DEBUG: chroothome: /builddir DEBUG: rpmbuild_command: /usr/bin/rpmbuild DEBUG: basedir: /var/lib/mock DEBUG: macros: {'%_smp_mflags': '-j8', '%_rpmfilename': '%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm', '%_topdir': '/builddir/build'} DEBUG: version: 1.2.3 DEBUG: log_config_file: logging.ini DEBUG: rpmbuild_arch: x86_64 DEBUG: config_file: /etc/mock/fedora-23-x86_64.cfg DEBUG: backup_on_clean: False DEBUG: rpmbuild_timeout: 0 DEBUG: chroot_setup_cmd: install @buildsys-build DEBUG: subscription-manager.conf: DEBUG: unique-ext: mock_2 DEBUG: clean: True DEBUG: createrepo_on_rpms: False DEBUG: cache_topdir: /var/cache/mock DEBUG: Unsharing. Flags: 201457664 INFO: Start(mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm) Config(fedora-23-x86_64) Start: clean chroot Finish: clean chroot DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2 DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2 Start: chroot init DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /tmp/mingw-libgnurx-rbuild-rpm-vGxK2F3b DEBUG: creating dir: /tmp/mingw-libgnurx-rbuild-rpm-vGxK2F3b INFO: calling preinit hooks INFO: enabled root cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/root_cache/ Start: unpacking root cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['tar', '--use-compress-program', 'pigz', '-xf', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/root_cache/cache.tar.gz', '-C', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./proc DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./proc DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./sys DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./sys DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./dev DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./dev DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./tmp/ccache DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./var/cache/yum DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/./var/cache/yum Finish: unpacking root cache INFO: enabled yum cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/cache/yum Start: cleaning yum metadata Finish: cleaning yum metadata INFO: enabled ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/ccache/ DEBUG: create skeleton dirs DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/lib/rpm DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/lib/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/lib/dbus DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/log DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/cache/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/etc/rpm DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/tmp DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/tmp DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/etc/yum.repos.d DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/etc/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/proc DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/sys DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/run/lock DEBUG: remove tree: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/pts DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/pts DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/shm DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/shm DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/etc/fstab DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/log/yum.log DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/etc/os-release DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'proc', 'proc', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/proc'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'sysfs', 'mock_chroot_sys', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/sys'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'mock_chroot_shmfs', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/shm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'devpts', '-o', 'gid=5,mode=0620,ptmxmode=0666,newinstance', 'mock_chroot_devpts', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/pts'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '--bind', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/yum_cache/', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/cache/yum'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '--bind', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/ccache/', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/tmp/ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /tmp/mingw-libgnurx-rbuild-rpm-vGxK2F3b Mock Version: 1.2.3 INFO: Mock Version: 1.2.3 INFO: Mock Version: 1.2.3 DEBUG: rootdir = /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root DEBUG: resultdir = /tmp/mingw-libgnurx-rbuild-rpm-vGxK2F3b DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/etc/pki/mock DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/etc/yum/pluginconf.d DEBUG: configure yum DEBUG: configure yum priorities DEBUG: configure yum rhnplugin DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/userdel', '-r', '-f', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/userdel', '-r', '-f', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: userdel: user 'mockbuild' does not exist DEBUG: Child return code was: 6 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/groupdel', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: groupdel: group 'mockbuild' does not exist DEBUG: Child return code was: 6 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/groupadd', '-g', '999', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: /usr/sbin/useradd -o -m -u 105 -g 999 -d /builddir -n mockbuild with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/RPMS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/RPMS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/SPECS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/SPECS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/SRPMS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/SRPMS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/SOURCES DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/SOURCES DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/originals DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/builddir/build/originals Start: yum update DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'update'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'update'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Setting up Update Process DEBUG: No Packages marked for Update DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 Finish: yum update DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/.initialized Finish: chroot init Start: build phase for mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm Start: build setup for mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/rpm', '-Uvh', '--nodeps', '/builddir/build/originals/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages index using db5 - Permission denied (13) DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm DEBUG: warning: /builddir/build/originals/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 34ec9cba: NOKEY DEBUG: Updating / installing... DEBUG: mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23 ######################################## DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/rpm', '-qpl', '/builddir/build/originals/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages index using db5 - Permission denied (13) DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm DEBUG: mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-src.tar.gz DEBUG: mingw-libgnurx.spec DEBUG: DEBUG: DEBUG: mingw32-libgnurx-honor-destdir.patch DEBUG: warning: /builddir/build/originals/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 34ec9cba: NOKEY DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/mingw-libgnurx.spec'], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root'shell=FalseprintOutput=Falseenv={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'}gid=999user='mockbuild'timeout=0logger=uid=105) DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/mingw-libgnurx.spec'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Building target platforms: x86_64 DEBUG: Building for target x86_64 DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: LEAVE do --> DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'resolvedep', 'ccache'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'resolvedep', 'ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: 0:ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'install', 'ccache'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'install', 'ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Setting up Install Process DEBUG: Resolving Dependencies DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package ccache.x86_64 0:3.2.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: rtld(GNU_HASH) for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: coreutils for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /bin/sh for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /bin/sh for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package bash.x86_64 0:4.3.42-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: bash-4.3.42-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package coreutils.x86_64 0:8.24-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ncurses for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: grep for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gmp for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /sbin/install-info for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /sbin/install-info for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package glibc.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.22-10.fc23 for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libgcc for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: basesystem for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package zlib.x86_64 0:1.2.8-9.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package basesystem.noarch 0:11-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: setup for package: basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: filesystem for package: basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: tzdata >= 2003a for package: glibc-common-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package gmp.x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package grep.x86_64 0:2.22-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: grep-2.22-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package info.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libacl.x86_64 0:2.2.52-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libattr.x86_64 0:2.4.47-14.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libcap.x86_64 0:2.24-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libgcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libselinux.x86_64 0:2.4-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libsepol >= 2.4-1 for package: libselinux-2.4-4.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses-libs.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ncurses-base = 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 for package: ncurses-libs-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 0:3.22.0-1.0.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ca-certificates >= 2008-5 for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: crypto-policies for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package ca-certificates.noarch 0:2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: p11-kit-trust >= 0.19.2 for package: ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: p11-kit >= 0.19.2 for package: ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package crypto-policies.noarch 0:20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package filesystem.x86_64 0:3.2-35.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.14-9.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: keyutils-libs >= 1.5.8 for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: sed for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gawk for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libcom_err.x86_64 0:1.42.13-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libsepol.x86_64 0:2.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libstdc++.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses-base.noarch 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package pcre.x86_64 0:8.38-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package setup.noarch 0:2.10.1-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: system-release for package: setup-2.10.1-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package tzdata.noarch 0:2016a-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package fedora-release.noarch 0:23-1 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: fedora-repos(23) for package: fedora-release-23-1.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package gawk.x86_64 0:4.1.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package keyutils-libs.x86_64 0:1.5.9-7.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libverto.x86_64 0:0.2.6-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package p11-kit.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package sed.x86_64 0:4.2.2-11.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package chkconfig.x86_64 0:1.7-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package fedora-repos.noarch 0:23-1 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libffi.x86_64 0:3.1-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libtasn1.x86_64 0:4.5-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package popt.x86_64 0:1.16-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Finished Dependency Resolution DEBUG: Dependencies Resolved DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Package Arch Version Repository Size DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Installing: DEBUG: ccache x86_64 3.2.4-1.fc23 updates 206 k DEBUG: Installing for dependencies: DEBUG: basesystem noarch 11-1.fc23 fedora 9.6 k DEBUG: bash x86_64 4.3.42-3.fc23 updates 1.4 M DEBUG: ca-certificates noarch 2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 updates 432 k DEBUG: chkconfig x86_64 1.7-1.fc23 updates 179 k DEBUG: coreutils x86_64 8.24-6.fc23 updates 2.8 M DEBUG: crypto-policies noarch 20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 updates 30 k DEBUG: fedora-release noarch 23-1 fedora 16 k DEBUG: fedora-repos noarch 23-1 fedora 78 k DEBUG: filesystem x86_64 3.2-35.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: gawk x86_64 4.1.3-2.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: glibc x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 3.6 M DEBUG: glibc-common x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 11 M DEBUG: gmp x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 fedora 282 k DEBUG: grep x86_64 2.22-6.fc23 updates 275 k DEBUG: info x86_64 6.0-2.fc23 updates 214 k DEBUG: keyutils-libs x86_64 1.5.9-7.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: krb5-libs x86_64 1.14-9.fc23 updates 839 k DEBUG: libacl x86_64 2.2.52-10.fc23 fedora 32 k DEBUG: libattr x86_64 2.4.47-14.fc23 fedora 24 k DEBUG: libcap x86_64 2.24-8.fc23 fedora 51 k DEBUG: libcom_err x86_64 1.42.13-3.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: libffi x86_64 3.1-8.fc23 fedora 34 k DEBUG: libgcc x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 88 k DEBUG: libselinux x86_64 2.4-4.fc23 fedora 147 k DEBUG: libsepol x86_64 2.4-1.fc23 fedora 257 k DEBUG: libstdc++ x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 425 k DEBUG: libtasn1 x86_64 4.5-2.fc23 fedora 324 k DEBUG: libverto x86_64 0.2.6-5.fc23 fedora 21 k DEBUG: ncurses x86_64 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 321 k DEBUG: ncurses-base noarch 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 75 k DEBUG: ncurses-libs x86_64 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 306 k DEBUG: nss-softokn-freebl x86_64 3.22.0-1.0.fc23 updates 208 k DEBUG: openssl-libs x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 updates 1.2 M DEBUG: p11-kit x86_64 0.23.2-1.fc23 updates 151 k DEBUG: p11-kit-trust x86_64 0.23.2-1.fc23 updates 131 k DEBUG: pcre x86_64 8.38-5.fc23 updates 495 k DEBUG: popt x86_64 1.16-6.fc23 fedora 59 k DEBUG: sed x86_64 4.2.2-11.fc23 fedora 237 k DEBUG: setup noarch 2.10.1-1.fc23 updates 172 k DEBUG: tzdata noarch 2016a-1.fc23 updates 409 k DEBUG: zlib x86_64 1.2.8-9.fc23 fedora 95 k DEBUG: Transaction Summary DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Install 42 Packages DEBUG: Total size: 29 M DEBUG: Installed size: 176 M DEBUG: Downloading Packages: DEBUG: Running Transaction Check DEBUG: Running Transaction Test DEBUG: Transaction Test Succeeded DEBUG: Running Transaction DEBUG: Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum. DEBUG: Installing : libgcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 1/42 DEBUG: Installing : fedora-release-23-1.noarch 2/42 DEBUG: warning: /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora saved as /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora.rpmorig DEBUG: Installing : fedora-repos-23-1.noarch 3/42 DEBUG: Installing : setup-2.10.1-1.fc23.noarch 4/42 DEBUG: warning: /etc/group created as /etc/group.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/gshadow created as /etc/gshadow.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/hosts created as /etc/hosts.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/passwd created as /etc/passwd.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/shadow created as /etc/shadow.rpmnew DEBUG: Installing : filesystem-3.2-35.fc23.x86_64 5/42 DEBUG: Installing : basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch 6/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-base-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.noarch 7/42 DEBUG: Installing : tzdata-2016a-1.fc23.noarch 8/42 DEBUG: Installing : nss-softokn-freebl-3.22.0-1.0.fc23.x86_64 9/42 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-common-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 10/42 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 11/42 DEBUG: Installing : libstdc++-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 12/42 DEBUG: Installing : pcre-8.38-5.fc23.x86_64 13/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-libs-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 14/42 DEBUG: Installing : bash-4.3.42-3.fc23.x86_64 15/42 DEBUG: Installing : libsepol-2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 16/42 DEBUG: Installing : libselinux-2.4-4.fc23.x86_64 17/42 DEBUG: Installing : info-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 18/42 DEBUG: warning: /usr/share/info/dir created as /usr/share/info/dir.rpmnew DEBUG: Installing : libattr-2.4.47-14.fc23.x86_64 19/42 DEBUG: Installing : libacl-2.2.52-10.fc23.x86_64 20/42 DEBUG: Installing : grep-2.22-6.fc23.x86_64 21/42 DEBUG: Installing : libcom_err-1.42.13-3.fc23.x86_64 22/42 DEBUG: Installing : zlib-1.2.8-9.fc23.x86_64 23/42 DEBUG: Installing : libffi-3.1-8.fc23.x86_64 24/42 DEBUG: Installing : p11-kit-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 25/42 DEBUG: Installing : sed-4.2.2-11.fc23.x86_64 26/42 DEBUG: Installing : libcap-2.24-8.fc23.x86_64 27/42 DEBUG: Installing : gawk-4.1.3-2.fc23.x86_64 28/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 29/42 DEBUG: Installing : 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 30/42 DEBUG: Installing : libverto-0.2.6-5.fc23.x86_64 31/42 DEBUG: Installing : popt-1.16-6.fc23.x86_64 32/42 DEBUG: Installing : chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 33/42 DEBUG: Installing : libtasn1-4.5-2.fc23.x86_64 34/42 DEBUG: Installing : p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 35/42 DEBUG: Installing : keyutils-libs-1.5.9-7.fc23.x86_64 36/42 DEBUG: Installing : krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 37/42 DEBUG: Installing : 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 38/42 DEBUG: Installing : coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 39/42 DEBUG: Installing : crypto-policies-20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23.noarch 40/42 DEBUG: Installing : ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch 41/42 DEBUG: Installing : ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 42/42 DEBUG: Installed: DEBUG: ccache.x86_64 0:3.2.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: Dependency Installed: DEBUG: basesystem.noarch 0:11-1.fc23 DEBUG: bash.x86_64 0:4.3.42-3.fc23 DEBUG: ca-certificates.noarch 0:2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 DEBUG: chkconfig.x86_64 0:1.7-1.fc23 DEBUG: coreutils.x86_64 0:8.24-6.fc23 DEBUG: crypto-policies.noarch 0:20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 DEBUG: fedora-release.noarch 0:23-1 DEBUG: fedora-repos.noarch 0:23-1 DEBUG: filesystem.x86_64 0:3.2-35.fc23 DEBUG: gawk.x86_64 0:4.1.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: glibc.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: gmp.x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 DEBUG: grep.x86_64 0:2.22-6.fc23 DEBUG: info.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 DEBUG: keyutils-libs.x86_64 0:1.5.9-7.fc23 DEBUG: krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.14-9.fc23 DEBUG: libacl.x86_64 0:2.2.52-10.fc23 DEBUG: libattr.x86_64 0:2.4.47-14.fc23 DEBUG: libcap.x86_64 0:2.24-8.fc23 DEBUG: libcom_err.x86_64 0:1.42.13-3.fc23 DEBUG: libffi.x86_64 0:3.1-8.fc23 DEBUG: libgcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libselinux.x86_64 0:2.4-4.fc23 DEBUG: libsepol.x86_64 0:2.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: libstdc++.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libtasn1.x86_64 0:4.5-2.fc23 DEBUG: libverto.x86_64 0:0.2.6-5.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses-base.noarch 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses-libs.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 0:3.22.0-1.0.fc23 DEBUG: openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 DEBUG: p11-kit.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: pcre.x86_64 0:8.38-5.fc23 DEBUG: popt.x86_64 0:1.16-6.fc23 DEBUG: sed.x86_64 0:4.2.2-11.fc23 DEBUG: setup.noarch 0:2.10.1-1.fc23 DEBUG: tzdata.noarch 0:2016a-1.fc23 DEBUG: zlib.x86_64 0:1.2.8-9.fc23 DEBUG: Complete! DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum-builddep', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root//builddir/build/SRPMS/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum-builddep', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/', '--releasever', '23', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root//builddir/build/SRPMS/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Getting requirements for mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src DEBUG: --> autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> automake-1.15-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> mingw32-binutils-2.25-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> mingw32-filesystem-100-2.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> mingw64-binutils-2.25-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> mingw64-filesystem-100-2.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> mingw64-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-21.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl >= 5.006 for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: m4 >= 1.4.14 for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(warnings) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(vars) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(strict) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(constant) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::ParseWords) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(POSIX) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(IO::File) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Getopt::Long) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::stat) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Spec) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Path) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Find) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Copy) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Compare) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Basename) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Exporter) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Errno) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(DynaLoader) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Data::Dumper) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Cwd) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Class::Struct) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Carp) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: emacs-filesystem for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/bin/perl for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package automake.noarch 0:1.15-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(threads) for package: automake-1.15-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Thread::Queue) for package: automake-1.15-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package libtool.x86_64 0:2.4.6-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gcc = 5.3.1 for package: libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: tar for package: libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: findutils for package: libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package mingw32-binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw-binutils-generic = 2.25-2.fc23 for package: mingw32-binutils-2.25-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package mingw32-filesystem.noarch 0:100-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw-filesystem-base = 100-2.fc23 for package: mingw32-filesystem-100-2.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package mingw32-gcc.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw32-headers for package: mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw32-crt for package: mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw32-cpp for package: mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw32(libwinpthread-1.dll) for package: mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package mingw64-binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw64-filesystem.noarch 0:100-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw64-gcc.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw64-headers for package: mingw64-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw64-crt for package: mingw64-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw64-cpp for package: mingw64-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: mingw64(libwinpthread-1.dll) for package: mingw64-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package findutils.x86_64 1:4.5.16-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package gcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libgomp = 5.3.1-2.fc23 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: cpp = 5.3.1-2.fc23 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-devel >= 2.2.90-12 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: binutils >= 2.24 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package isl.x86_64 0:0.14-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libmpc.x86_64 0:1.0.2-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package m4.x86_64 0:1.4.17-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw-binutils-generic.x86_64 0:2.25-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw-filesystem-base.noarch 0:100-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw32-cpp.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw32-crt.noarch 0:4.0.4-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw32-headers.noarch 0:4.0.4-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw32-winpthreads.noarch 0:4.0.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw64-cpp.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw64-crt.noarch 0:4.0.4-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw64-headers.noarch 0:4.0.4-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mingw64-winpthreads.noarch 0:4.0.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mpfr.x86_64 0:3.1.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-libs = 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Socket) >= 1.3 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Scalar::Util) >= 1.10 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-macros for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-libs for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(threads::shared) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(parent) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Unicode::Normalize) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Time::HiRes) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::Wrap) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::Tabs) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Storable) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Socket) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Scalar::Util) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Simple::XHTML) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Simple::Search) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Temp) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.22.1) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Carp.noarch 0:1.38-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 0:2.158-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Exporter.noarch 0:5.72-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-File-Path.noarch 0:2.09-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 0:2.48-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Usage) >= 1.14 for package: perl-Getopt-Long-2.48-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-PathTools.x86_64 0:3.62-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 0:3.30-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Thread-Queue.noarch 0:3.07-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-constant.noarch 0:1.33-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package tar.x86_64 2:1.28-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-15.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package cpp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package gdbm.x86_64 0:1.11-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package glibc-devel.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-headers = 2.22-10.fc23 for package: glibc-devel-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-headers for package: glibc-devel-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libgomp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-File-Temp.noarch 0:0.23.04-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Escapes) >= 1.04 for package: 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Encode) for package: 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Text) >= 3.15 for package: 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-Pod-Perldoc for package: 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Socket.x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Storable.x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 0:2013.0523-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 0:1.9728-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Unicode-Normalize.x86_64 0:1.24-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-parent.noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-threads-shared.x86_64 0:1.48-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package glibc-headers.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: kernel-headers >= 2.2.1 for package: glibc-headers-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: kernel-headers for package: glibc-headers-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Encode.x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(MIME::Base64) for package: 3:perl-Encode-2.80-4.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 0:3.25-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(HTTP::Tiny) for package: perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: groff-base for package: perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-podlators.noarch 0:2.5.3-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Term::Cap) for package: perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Term::ANSIColor) for package: perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package groff-base.x86_64 0:1.22.3-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package kernel-headers.x86_64 0:4.4.2-301.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0:0.056-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Time::Local) for package: perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.056-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-MIME-Base64.x86_64 0:3.15-348.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 0:4.03-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Term-Cap.noarch 0:1.17-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Time-Local.noarch 0:1.2300-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Finished Dependency Resolution DEBUG: Dependencies Resolved DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Package Arch Version Repository Size DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Installing: DEBUG: autoconf noarch 2.69-21.fc23 fedora 709 k DEBUG: automake noarch 1.15-4.fc23 fedora 695 k DEBUG: libtool x86_64 2.4.6-8.fc23 updates 707 k DEBUG: mingw32-binutils x86_64 2.25-2.fc23 fedora 2.1 M DEBUG: mingw32-filesystem noarch 100-2.fc23 fedora 155 k DEBUG: mingw32-gcc x86_64 5.2.0-1.fc23 fedora 8.5 M DEBUG: mingw64-binutils x86_64 2.25-2.fc23 fedora 2.3 M DEBUG: mingw64-filesystem noarch 100-2.fc23 fedora 179 k DEBUG: mingw64-gcc x86_64 5.2.0-1.fc23 fedora 8.6 M DEBUG: Installing for dependencies: DEBUG: binutils x86_64 2.25-15.fc23 fedora 5.6 M DEBUG: cpp x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 8.3 M DEBUG: emacs-filesystem noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 updates 65 k DEBUG: findutils x86_64 1:4.5.16-1.fc23 updates 563 k DEBUG: gcc x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 19 M DEBUG: gdbm x86_64 1.11-6.fc23 fedora 138 k DEBUG: glibc-devel x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 910 k DEBUG: glibc-headers x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 494 k DEBUG: groff-base x86_64 1.22.3-6.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: isl x86_64 0.14-4.fc23 fedora 490 k DEBUG: kernel-headers x86_64 4.4.2-301.fc23 updates 1.0 M DEBUG: libgomp x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 152 k DEBUG: libmpc x86_64 1.0.2-4.fc23 fedora 55 k DEBUG: m4 x86_64 1.4.17-8.fc23 fedora 266 k DEBUG: mingw-binutils-generic x86_64 2.25-2.fc23 fedora 896 k DEBUG: mingw-filesystem-base noarch 100-2.fc23 fedora 38 k DEBUG: mingw32-cpp x86_64 5.2.0-1.fc23 fedora 5.8 M DEBUG: mingw32-crt noarch 4.0.4-3.fc23 updates 1.4 M DEBUG: mingw32-headers noarch 4.0.4-5.fc23 updates 5.2 M DEBUG: mingw32-winpthreads noarch 4.0.4-1.fc23 fedora 47 k DEBUG: mingw64-cpp x86_64 5.2.0-1.fc23 fedora 5.9 M DEBUG: mingw64-crt noarch 4.0.4-3.fc23 updates 2.4 M DEBUG: mingw64-headers noarch 4.0.4-5.fc23 updates 5.2 M DEBUG: mingw64-winpthreads noarch 4.0.4-1.fc23 fedora 48 k DEBUG: mpfr x86_64 3.1.3-2.fc23 updates 214 k DEBUG: perl x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 6.9 M DEBUG: perl-Carp noarch 1.38-1.fc23 updates 29 k DEBUG: perl-Data-Dumper x86_64 2.158-347.fc23 fedora 55 k DEBUG: perl-Encode x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 updates 1.5 M DEBUG: perl-Exporter noarch 5.72-347.fc23 fedora 33 k DEBUG: perl-File-Path noarch 2.09-347.fc23 fedora 31 k DEBUG: perl-File-Temp noarch 0.23.04-346.fc23 fedora 61 k DEBUG: perl-Getopt-Long noarch 2.48-1.fc23 updates 61 k DEBUG: perl-HTTP-Tiny noarch 0.056-3.fc23 fedora 53 k DEBUG: perl-MIME-Base64 x86_64 3.15-348.fc23 fedora 29 k DEBUG: perl-PathTools x86_64 3.62-1.fc23 updates 88 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Escapes noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 fedora 19 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Perldoc noarch 3.25-347.fc23 fedora 84 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Simple noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 fedora 211 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Usage noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 fedora 33 k DEBUG: perl-Scalar-List-Utils x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 updates 62 k DEBUG: perl-Socket x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 updates 55 k DEBUG: perl-Storable x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 fedora 84 k DEBUG: perl-Term-ANSIColor noarch 4.03-346.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: perl-Term-Cap noarch 1.17-1.fc23 fedora 22 k DEBUG: perl-Text-ParseWords noarch 3.30-346.fc23 fedora 17 k DEBUG: perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap noarch 2013.0523-346.fc23 fedora 23 k DEBUG: perl-Thread-Queue noarch 3.07-1.fc23 updates 22 k DEBUG: perl-Time-HiRes x86_64 1.9728-1.fc23 updates 50 k DEBUG: perl-Time-Local noarch 1.2300-346.fc23 fedora 29 k DEBUG: perl-Unicode-Normalize x86_64 1.24-1.fc23 updates 80 k DEBUG: perl-constant noarch 1.33-347.fc23 fedora 24 k DEBUG: perl-libs x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 822 k DEBUG: perl-macros x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 57 k DEBUG: perl-parent noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 fedora 18 k DEBUG: perl-podlators noarch 2.5.3-347.fc23 fedora 112 k DEBUG: perl-threads x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 fedora 58 k DEBUG: perl-threads-shared x86_64 1.48-346.fc23 fedora 44 k DEBUG: tar x86_64 2:1.28-6.fc23 fedora 944 k DEBUG: Transaction Summary DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Install 68 Packages DEBUG: Total size: 101 M DEBUG: Installed size: 484 M DEBUG: Downloading Packages: DEBUG: Running Transaction Check DEBUG: Running Transaction Test DEBUG: Transaction Test Succeeded DEBUG: Running Transaction DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-libs-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 1/68 DEBUG: Installing : mpfr-3.1.3-2.fc23.x86_64 2/68 DEBUG: Installing : libmpc-1.0.2-4.fc23.x86_64 3/68 DEBUG: Installing : isl-0.14-4.fc23.x86_64 4/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw-binutils-generic-2.25-2.fc23.x86_64 5/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw-filesystem-base-100-2.fc23.noarch 6/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw64-filesystem-100-2.fc23.noarch 7/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw32-filesystem-100-2.fc23.noarch 8/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw32-crt-4.0.4-3.fc23.noarch 9/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw32-winpthreads-4.0.4-1.fc23.noarch 10/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw64-crt-4.0.4-3.fc23.noarch 11/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw64-winpthreads-4.0.4-1.fc23.noarch 12/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw64-headers-4.0.4-5.fc23.noarch 13/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw32-headers-4.0.4-5.fc23.noarch 14/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw32-binutils-2.25-2.fc23.x86_64 15/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw32-cpp-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 16/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw32-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 17/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw64-cpp-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 18/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw64-binutils-2.25-2.fc23.x86_64 19/68 DEBUG: Installing : cpp-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 20/68 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-macros-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 21/68 DEBUG: Installing : groff-base-1.22.3-6.fc23.x86_64 22/68 DEBUG: Installing : 1:emacs-filesystem-24.5-7.fc23.noarch 23/68 DEBUG: Installing : 1:findutils-4.5.16-1.fc23.x86_64 24/68 DEBUG: Installing : libgomp-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 25/68 DEBUG: Installing : kernel-headers-4.4.2-301.fc23.x86_64 26/68 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-headers-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 27/68 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-devel-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 28/68 DEBUG: Installing : binutils-2.25-15.fc23.x86_64 29/68 DEBUG: Installing : gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 30/68 DEBUG: Installing : gdbm-1.11-6.fc23.x86_64 31/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Time-Local-1.2300-346.fc23.noarch 32/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Term-Cap-1.17-1.fc23.noarch 33/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.03-346.fc23.noarch 34/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.056-3.fc23.noarch 35/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-348.fc23.x86_64 36/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch 37/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch 38/68 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Pod-Escapes-1.07-348.fc23.noarch 39/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-346.fc23.noarch 40/68 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch 41/68 DEBUG: Installing : 3:perl-Encode-2.80-4.fc23.x86_64 42/68 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-parent-0.234-3.fc23.noarch 43/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-constant-1.33-347.fc23.noarch 44/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.24-1.fc23.x86_64 45/68 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Storable-2.53-346.fc23.x86_64 46/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-346.fc23.noarch 47/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Time-HiRes-1.9728-1.fc23.x86_64 48/68 DEBUG: Installing : 3:perl-Socket-2.021-1.fc23.x86_64 49/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-threads-shared-1.48-346.fc23.x86_64 50/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-File-Path-2.09-347.fc23.noarch 51/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-PathTools-3.62-1.fc23.x86_64 52/68 DEBUG: Installing : 2:perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.43-1.fc23.x86_64 53/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Exporter-5.72-347.fc23.noarch 54/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Carp-1.38-1.fc23.noarch 55/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-File-Temp-0.23.04-346.fc23.noarch 56/68 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch 57/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Getopt-Long-2.48-1.fc23.noarch 58/68 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-threads-2.02-2.fc23.x86_64 59/68 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 60/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Data-Dumper-2.158-347.fc23.x86_64 61/68 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Thread-Queue-3.07-1.fc23.noarch 62/68 DEBUG: Installing : 2:tar-1.28-6.fc23.x86_64 63/68 DEBUG: Installing : m4-1.4.17-8.fc23.x86_64 64/68 DEBUG: Installing : autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch 65/68 DEBUG: Installing : automake-1.15-4.fc23.noarch 66/68 DEBUG: Installing : libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 67/68 DEBUG: Installing : mingw64-gcc-5.2.0-1.fc23.x86_64 68/68 DEBUG: Installed: DEBUG: autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-21.fc23 automake.noarch 0:1.15-4.fc23 DEBUG: libtool.x86_64 0:2.4.6-8.fc23 mingw32-binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-2.fc23 DEBUG: mingw32-filesystem.noarch 0:100-2.fc23 mingw32-gcc.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 DEBUG: mingw64-binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-2.fc23 mingw64-filesystem.noarch 0:100-2.fc23 DEBUG: mingw64-gcc.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 DEBUG: Dependency Installed: DEBUG: binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-15.fc23 DEBUG: cpp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 DEBUG: findutils.x86_64 1:4.5.16-1.fc23 DEBUG: gcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: gdbm.x86_64 0:1.11-6.fc23 DEBUG: glibc-devel.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: glibc-headers.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: groff-base.x86_64 0:1.22.3-6.fc23 DEBUG: isl.x86_64 0:0.14-4.fc23 DEBUG: kernel-headers.x86_64 0:4.4.2-301.fc23 DEBUG: libgomp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libmpc.x86_64 0:1.0.2-4.fc23 DEBUG: m4.x86_64 0:1.4.17-8.fc23 DEBUG: mingw-binutils-generic.x86_64 0:2.25-2.fc23 DEBUG: mingw-filesystem-base.noarch 0:100-2.fc23 DEBUG: mingw32-cpp.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 DEBUG: mingw32-crt.noarch 0:4.0.4-3.fc23 DEBUG: mingw32-headers.noarch 0:4.0.4-5.fc23 DEBUG: mingw32-winpthreads.noarch 0:4.0.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: mingw64-cpp.x86_64 0:5.2.0-1.fc23 DEBUG: mingw64-crt.noarch 0:4.0.4-3.fc23 DEBUG: mingw64-headers.noarch 0:4.0.4-5.fc23 DEBUG: mingw64-winpthreads.noarch 0:4.0.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: mpfr.x86_64 0:3.1.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: perl.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Carp.noarch 0:1.38-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 0:2.158-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Encode.x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Exporter.noarch 0:5.72-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-File-Path.noarch 0:2.09-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-File-Temp.noarch 0:0.23.04-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 0:2.48-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0:0.056-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-MIME-Base64.x86_64 0:3.15-348.fc23 DEBUG: perl-PathTools.x86_64 0:3.62-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 0:3.25-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Socket.x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Storable.x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 0:4.03-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Term-Cap.noarch 0:1.17-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 0:3.30-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 0:2013.0523-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Thread-Queue.noarch 0:3.07-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 0:1.9728-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Time-Local.noarch 0:1.2300-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Unicode-Normalize.x86_64 0:1.24-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-constant.noarch 0:1.33-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-parent.noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-podlators.noarch 0:2.5.3-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 DEBUG: perl-threads-shared.x86_64 0:1.48-346.fc23 DEBUG: tar.x86_64 2:1.28-6.fc23 DEBUG: Complete! DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 Finish: build setup for mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm Start: rpmbuild mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['ccache', '-M', '4G'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Set cache size limit to 4.0 GB DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/mingw-libgnurx.spec '], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root'shell=FalseprintOutput=Falseenv={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'}gid=999user='mockbuild'timeout=0logger=uid=105) DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/mingw-libgnurx.spec '] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Building target platforms: x86_64 DEBUG: Building for target x86_64 DEBUG: Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.N7XNtp DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + rm -rf mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/gzip -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-src.tar.gz DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + cd mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . DEBUG: Patch #0 (mingw32-libgnurx-honor-destdir.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #0 (mingw32-libgnurx-honor-destdir.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: + cp /builddir/build/SOURCES/ DEBUG: + cp /builddir/build/SOURCES/ DEBUG: + touch NEWS DEBUG: + touch AUTHORS DEBUG: + libtoolize --copy DEBUG: libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in '.'. DEBUG: libtoolize: copying file './' DEBUG: libtoolize: You should add the contents of the following files to 'aclocal.m4': DEBUG: libtoolize: '/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' DEBUG: libtoolize: '/usr/share/aclocal/ltoptions.m4' DEBUG: libtoolize: '/usr/share/aclocal/ltsugar.m4' DEBUG: libtoolize: '/usr/share/aclocal/ltversion.m4' DEBUG: libtoolize: '/usr/share/aclocal/lt~obsolete.m4' DEBUG: libtoolize: Consider adding 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4])' to, DEBUG: libtoolize: and rerunning libtoolize and aclocal. DEBUG: libtoolize: Consider adding '-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in DEBUG: + aclocal DEBUG: + autoconf DEBUG: + automake --add-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: installing './config.guess' DEBUG: installing './config.sub' DEBUG: installing './install-sh' DEBUG: installing './missing' DEBUG: installing './INSTALL' DEBUG: installing './depcomp' DEBUG: Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.OKQJN3 DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + run_mingw_configure --enable-static --enable-shared DEBUG: + mkdir build_win32 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win32 ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + pushd build_win32 DEBUG: ++ /usr/bin/env DEBUG: ++ egrep '^(w+)=(.*)$' DEBUG: ++ egrep -vw 'PWD|USER|LANG' DEBUG: ++ /usr/bin/cut -d= -f1 DEBUG: + unset DEBUG: + test -z '' DEBUG: + PATH_ORIG=/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/builddir/.local/bin:/builddir/bin DEBUG: + export PATH_ORIG DEBUG: + PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/builddir/.local/bin:/builddir/bin DEBUG: + export PATH DEBUG: + HOST_CC=gcc DEBUG: + export HOST_CC DEBUG: + unset PKG_CONFIG_PATH DEBUG: + _PREFIX=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32- DEBUG: ++ grep -v gcc- DEBUG: ++ ls -1 /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-addr2line /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ar /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-as /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-c++filt /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-cpp /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dllwrap /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-elfedit /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-5.2.0 /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-nm /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-ranlib /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcov /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcov-tool /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gprof /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld.bfd /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-nm /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objcopy /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objdump /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-readelf /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-size /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strings /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strip /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windmc /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windres DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-addr2line DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=ADDR2LINE DEBUG: + declare -x ADDR2LINE=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-addr2line DEBUG: + export ADDR2LINE DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ar DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=AR DEBUG: + declare -x AR=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ar DEBUG: + export AR DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-as DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=AS DEBUG: + declare -x AS=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-as DEBUG: + export AS DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-c++filt DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=CXXFILT DEBUG: + declare -x CXXFILT=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-c++filt DEBUG: + export CXXFILT DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-cpp DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=CPP DEBUG: + declare -x CPP=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-cpp DEBUG: + export CPP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=DLLTOOL DEBUG: + declare -x DLLTOOL=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: + export DLLTOOL DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dllwrap DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=DLLWRAP DEBUG: + declare -x DLLWRAP=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dllwrap DEBUG: + export DLLWRAP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-elfedit DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=ELFEDIT DEBUG: + declare -x ELFEDIT=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-elfedit DEBUG: + export ELFEDIT DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=GCC DEBUG: + declare -x GCC=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: + export GCC DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcov DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=GCOV DEBUG: + declare -x GCOV=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcov DEBUG: + export GCOV DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcov-tool DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=GCOV_TOOL DEBUG: + declare -x GCOV_TOOL=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcov-tool DEBUG: + export GCOV_TOOL DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gprof DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=GPROF DEBUG: + declare -x GPROF=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gprof DEBUG: + export GPROF DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=LD DEBUG: + declare -x LD=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld DEBUG: + export LD DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld.bfd DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=LD_BFD DEBUG: + declare -x LD_BFD=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld.bfd DEBUG: + export LD_BFD DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-nm DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=NM DEBUG: + declare -x NM=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-nm DEBUG: + export NM DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objcopy DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=OBJCOPY DEBUG: + declare -x OBJCOPY=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objcopy DEBUG: + export OBJCOPY DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=OBJDUMP DEBUG: + declare -x OBJDUMP=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: + export OBJDUMP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=RANLIB DEBUG: + declare -x RANLIB=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib DEBUG: + export RANLIB DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-readelf DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=READELF DEBUG: + declare -x READELF=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-readelf DEBUG: + export READELF DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-size DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=SIZE DEBUG: + declare -x SIZE=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-size DEBUG: + export SIZE DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strings DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=STRINGS DEBUG: + declare -x STRINGS=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strings DEBUG: + export STRINGS DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=STRIP DEBUG: + declare -x STRIP=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: + export STRIP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windmc DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=WINDMC DEBUG: + declare -x WINDMC=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windmc DEBUG: + export WINDMC DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windres DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=WINDRES DEBUG: + declare -x WINDRES=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windres DEBUG: + export WINDRES DEBUG: + unset _PREFIX DEBUG: + CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: + export CC DEBUG: + CFLAGS=' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CPPFLAGS= DEBUG: + export CPPFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' -x /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++ ']' DEBUG: + CXX= DEBUG: + export CXX DEBUG: + ac_cv_prog_CXX=no DEBUG: + export ac_cv_prog_CXX DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS= DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS= DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: ++ ls /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libatomic-1.dll /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libssp-0.dll /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libvtv-0.dll /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libvtv_stubs-0.dll /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll DEBUG: ++ grep -- '-config$' DEBUG: + unset x i DEBUG: + __mingw32_topdir=. DEBUG: + test -x configure DEBUG: + __mingw32_topdir=.. DEBUG: + ../configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --target=i686-w64-mingw32 --prefix=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw --exec-prefix=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw --bindir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin --sbindir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/sbin --sysconfdir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/etc --datadir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share --includedir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include --libdir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib --libexecdir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/libexec --localstatedir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/com --mandir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share/man --infodir=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share/info --enable-static --enable-shared DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-strip... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... i686-w64-mingw32 DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-as... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-as DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-objdump... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: checking how to print strings... printf DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... i686-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.exe DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... .exe DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... yes DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether i686-w64-mingw32-gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether i686-w64-mingw32-gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... gcc3 DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F DEBUG: checking for ld used by i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld DEBUG: checking if the linker (/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld) is GNU ld... yes DEBUG: checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-nm DEBUG: checking the name lister (/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-nm) interface... BSD nm DEBUG: checking whether ln -s works... yes DEBUG: checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864 DEBUG: checking how to convert x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu file names to i686-w64-mingw32 format... func_convert_file_nix_to_w32 DEBUG: checking how to convert x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop DEBUG: checking for /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld option to reload object files... -r DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-objdump... (cached) /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: checking how to recognize dependent libraries... file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool... (cached) /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... func_cygming_dll_for_implib DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-ar... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ar DEBUG: checking for archiver @FILE support... @ DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-strip... (cached) /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib DEBUG: checking command to parse /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-nm output from i686-w64-mingw32-gcc object... ok DEBUG: checking for sysroot... no DEBUG: checking for a working dd... /usr/bin/dd DEBUG: checking how to truncate binary pipes... /usr/bin/dd bs=4096 count=1 DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-mt... no DEBUG: checking for mt... no DEBUG: checking if : is a manifest tool... no DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-cpp DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking for dlfcn.h... no DEBUG: checking for objdir... .libs DEBUG: checking if i686-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no DEBUG: checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc option to produce PIC... -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC DEBUG: checking if i686-w64-mingw32-gcc PIC flag -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC works... yes DEBUG: checking if i686-w64-mingw32-gcc static flag -static works... no DEBUG: checking if i686-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes DEBUG: checking if i686-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking whether the i686-w64-mingw32-gcc linker (/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld) supports shared libraries... yes DEBUG: checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... yes DEBUG: checking dynamic linker characteristics... Win32 ld.exe DEBUG: checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate DEBUG: checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes DEBUG: checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build shared libraries... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build static libraries... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: config.status: executing libtool commands DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + mkdir build_win64 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win64 ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + pushd build_win64 DEBUG: ++ /usr/bin/env DEBUG: ++ egrep '^(w+)=(.*)$' DEBUG: ++ egrep -vw 'PWD|USER|LANG' DEBUG: ++ /usr/bin/cut -d= -f1 DEBUG: + unset DEBUG: + test -z /usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/builddir/.local/bin:/builddir/bin DEBUG: + PATH=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/builddir/.local/bin:/builddir/bin DEBUG: + export PATH DEBUG: + HOST_CC=gcc DEBUG: + export HOST_CC DEBUG: + unset PKG_CONFIG_PATH DEBUG: + _PREFIX=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32- DEBUG: ++ grep -v gcc- DEBUG: ++ ls -1 /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-addr2line /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-as /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++filt /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-cpp /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dllwrap /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-elfedit /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-5.2.0 /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-nm /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ranlib /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcov /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcov-tool /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gprof /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld.bfd /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objcopy /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-readelf /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-size /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strings /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-windmc /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-addr2line DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=ADDR2LINE DEBUG: + declare -x ADDR2LINE=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-addr2line DEBUG: + export ADDR2LINE DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=AR DEBUG: + declare -x AR=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar DEBUG: + export AR DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-as DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=AS DEBUG: + declare -x AS=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-as DEBUG: + export AS DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++filt DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=CXXFILT DEBUG: + declare -x CXXFILT=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++filt DEBUG: + export CXXFILT DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-cpp DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=CPP DEBUG: + declare -x CPP=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-cpp DEBUG: + export CPP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=DLLTOOL DEBUG: + declare -x DLLTOOL=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: + export DLLTOOL DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dllwrap DEBUG: + x=DLLWRAP DEBUG: + declare -x DLLWRAP=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dllwrap DEBUG: + export DLLWRAP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-elfedit DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=ELFEDIT DEBUG: + declare -x ELFEDIT=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-elfedit DEBUG: + export ELFEDIT DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: + x=GCC DEBUG: + declare -x GCC=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: + export GCC DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcov DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=GCOV DEBUG: + declare -x GCOV=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcov DEBUG: + export GCOV DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcov-tool DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=GCOV_TOOL DEBUG: + declare -x GCOV_TOOL=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcov-tool DEBUG: + export GCOV_TOOL DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gprof DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=GPROF DEBUG: + declare -x GPROF=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gprof DEBUG: + export GPROF DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=LD DEBUG: + declare -x LD=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld DEBUG: + export LD DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld.bfd DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=LD_BFD DEBUG: + declare -x LD_BFD=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld.bfd DEBUG: + export LD_BFD DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=NM DEBUG: + declare -x NM=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm DEBUG: + export NM DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objcopy DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=OBJCOPY DEBUG: + declare -x OBJCOPY=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objcopy DEBUG: + export OBJCOPY DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=OBJDUMP DEBUG: + declare -x OBJDUMP=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: + export OBJDUMP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=RANLIB DEBUG: + declare -x RANLIB=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib DEBUG: + export RANLIB DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-readelf DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=READELF DEBUG: + declare -x READELF=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-readelf DEBUG: + export READELF DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-size DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=SIZE DEBUG: + declare -x SIZE=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-size DEBUG: + export SIZE DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strings DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=STRINGS DEBUG: + declare -x STRINGS=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strings DEBUG: + export STRINGS DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: + x=STRIP DEBUG: + declare -x STRIP=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: + export STRIP DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-windmc DEBUG: + x=WINDMC DEBUG: + declare -x WINDMC=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-windmc DEBUG: + export WINDMC DEBUG: + for i in '`ls -1 ${_PREFIX}* | grep -v '\''gcc-'\''`' DEBUG: ++ echo /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres DEBUG: ++ sed s,/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-,, DEBUG: ++ tr a-z+-. A-ZX__ DEBUG: + x=WINDRES DEBUG: + declare -x WINDRES=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres DEBUG: + export WINDRES DEBUG: + unset _PREFIX DEBUG: + CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: + export CC DEBUG: + CFLAGS=' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CPPFLAGS= DEBUG: + export CPPFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' -x /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ ']' DEBUG: + CXX= DEBUG: + export CXX DEBUG: + ac_cv_prog_CXX=no DEBUG: + export ac_cv_prog_CXX DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS= DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS= DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: ++ grep -- '-config$' DEBUG: ++ ls /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libatomic-1.dll /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libssp-0.dll /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libvtv-0.dll /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libvtv_stubs-0.dll /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll DEBUG: + unset x i DEBUG: + __mingw64_topdir=. DEBUG: + test -x configure DEBUG: + __mingw64_topdir=.. DEBUG: + ../configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --prefix=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw --exec-prefix=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw --bindir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin --sbindir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/sbin --sysconfdir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/etc --datadir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share --includedir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include --libdir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib --libexecdir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/libexec --localstatedir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/com --mandir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share/man --infodir=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share/info --enable-static --enable-shared DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-w64-mingw32 DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-as... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-as DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: checking how to print strings... printf DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.exe DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... .exe DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... yes DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... gcc3 DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F DEBUG: checking for ld used by x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld DEBUG: checking if the linker (/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld) is GNU ld... yes DEBUG: checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm DEBUG: checking the name lister (/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm) interface... BSD nm DEBUG: checking whether ln -s works... yes DEBUG: checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864 DEBUG: checking how to convert x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu file names to x86_64-w64-mingw32 format... func_convert_file_nix_to_w32 DEBUG: checking how to convert x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop DEBUG: checking for /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld option to reload object files... -r DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump... (cached) /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump DEBUG: checking how to recognize dependent libraries... file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool... (cached) /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool DEBUG: checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... func_cygming_dll_for_implib DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar DEBUG: checking for archiver @FILE support... @ DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip... (cached) /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib DEBUG: checking command to parse /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm output from x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc object... ok DEBUG: checking for sysroot... no DEBUG: checking for a working dd... /usr/bin/dd DEBUG: checking how to truncate binary pipes... /usr/bin/dd bs=4096 count=1 DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-mt... no DEBUG: checking for mt... no DEBUG: checking if : is a manifest tool... no DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-cpp DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking for dlfcn.h... no DEBUG: checking for objdir... .libs DEBUG: checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc option to produce PIC... -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC DEBUG: checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc PIC flag -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC works... yes DEBUG: checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc static flag -static works... no DEBUG: checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes DEBUG: checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking whether the x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc linker (/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld) supports shared libraries... yes DEBUG: checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... yes DEBUG: checking dynamic linker characteristics... Win32 ld.exe DEBUG: checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate DEBUG: checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes DEBUG: checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build shared libraries... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build static libraries... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: config.status: executing libtool commands DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + run_mingw_make -j8 DEBUG: + make -C build_win32 -j8 DEBUG: make: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win32' DEBUG: /bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libgnurx\ 2.5.1\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libgnurx\" -DVERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DLT_OBJDIR=\".libs/\" -I. -I.. -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -MT libgnurx_la-regex.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo -c -o libgnurx_la-regex.lo `test -f 'regex.c' || echo '../'`regex.c DEBUG: libtool: compile: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"2.5.1\" "-DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libgnurx 2.5.1\"" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libgnurx\" -DVERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DLT_OBJDIR=\".libs/\" -I. -I.. -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -MT libgnurx_la-regex.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo -c ../regex.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/libgnurx_la-regex.o DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:61:0: DEBUG: ../regex_internal.h:424:0: warning: "alloca" redefined DEBUG: # define alloca(size) __builtin_alloca (size) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/stdlib.h:686:0, DEBUG: from ../regex_internal.h:27, DEBUG: from ../regex.c:61: DEBUG: /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/malloc.h:183:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition DEBUG: #define alloca(x) __builtin_alloca((x)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:63:0: DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c: In function 're_string_reconstruct': DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c:678:8: warning: unused variable 'prev_valid_len' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int prev_valid_len = pstr->valid_len; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:63:0: DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c: In function 're_dfa_add_node': DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c:1399:7: warning: unused variable 'type' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int type = token.type; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:65:0: DEBUG: ../regexec.c: In function 'regexec': DEBUG: ../regexec.c:230:13: warning: unused variable 'dfa' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: re_dfa_t *dfa = (re_dfa_t *) preg->buffer; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:65:0: DEBUG: ../regexec.c: In function 're_search_stub': DEBUG: ../regexec.c:421:13: warning: unused variable 'dfa' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: re_dfa_t *dfa = (re_dfa_t *) bufp->buffer; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:65:0: DEBUG: ../regexec.c: In function 'check_arrival_add_next_nodes': DEBUG: ../regexec.c:3035:17: warning: unused variable 'err' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: reg_errcode_t err = REG_NOERROR; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: libtool: compile: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"2.5.1\" "-DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libgnurx 2.5.1\"" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libgnurx\" -DVERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DLT_OBJDIR=\".libs/\" -I. -I.. -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -MT libgnurx_la-regex.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo -c ../regex.c -o libgnurx_la-regex.o >/dev/null 2>&1 DEBUG: mv -f .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Plo DEBUG: /bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=link i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -no-undefined -version-info 0:0:0 -export-dynamic -o -rpath /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib libgnurx_la-regex.lo DEBUG: libtool: link: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -shared .libs/libgnurx_la-regex.o -O2 -g -o .libs/libgnurx-0.dll -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker .libs/libgnurx.dll.a DEBUG: libtool: link: /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ar cru .libs/libgnurx.a libgnurx_la-regex.o DEBUG: libtool: link: /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib .libs/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "" && ln -s "../" "" ) DEBUG: make: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win32' DEBUG: + make -C build_win64 -j8 DEBUG: make: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win64' DEBUG: /bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libgnurx\ 2.5.1\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libgnurx\" -DVERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DLT_OBJDIR=\".libs/\" -I. -I.. -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -MT libgnurx_la-regex.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo -c -o libgnurx_la-regex.lo `test -f 'regex.c' || echo '../'`regex.c DEBUG: libtool: compile: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"2.5.1\" "-DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libgnurx 2.5.1\"" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libgnurx\" -DVERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DLT_OBJDIR=\".libs/\" -I. -I.. -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -MT libgnurx_la-regex.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo -c ../regex.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/libgnurx_la-regex.o DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:61:0: DEBUG: ../regex_internal.h:424:0: warning: "alloca" redefined DEBUG: # define alloca(size) __builtin_alloca (size) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/stdlib.h:686:0, DEBUG: from ../regex_internal.h:27, DEBUG: from ../regex.c:61: DEBUG: /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/malloc.h:183:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition DEBUG: #define alloca(x) __builtin_alloca((x)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:63:0: DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c: In function 're_string_reconstruct': DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c:678:8: warning: unused variable 'prev_valid_len' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int prev_valid_len = pstr->valid_len; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:63:0: DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c: In function 're_dfa_add_node': DEBUG: ../regex_internal.c:1399:7: warning: unused variable 'type' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int type = token.type; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:64:0: DEBUG: ../regcomp.c: In function 'parse_dup_op': DEBUG: ../regcomp.c:2513:39: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] DEBUG: postorder (elem, mark_opt_subexp, (void *) (long) elem->token.opr.idx); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:64:0: DEBUG: ../regcomp.c: In function 'mark_opt_subexp': DEBUG: ../regcomp.c:3725:19: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast] DEBUG: int idx = (int) (long) extra; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:65:0: DEBUG: ../regexec.c: In function 'regexec': DEBUG: ../regexec.c:230:13: warning: unused variable 'dfa' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: re_dfa_t *dfa = (re_dfa_t *) preg->buffer; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:65:0: DEBUG: ../regexec.c: In function 're_search_stub': DEBUG: ../regexec.c:421:13: warning: unused variable 'dfa' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: re_dfa_t *dfa = (re_dfa_t *) bufp->buffer; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from ../regex.c:65:0: DEBUG: ../regexec.c: In function 'check_arrival_add_next_nodes': DEBUG: ../regexec.c:3035:17: warning: unused variable 'err' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: reg_errcode_t err = REG_NOERROR; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: libtool: compile: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libgnurx\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"2.5.1\" "-DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libgnurx 2.5.1\"" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libgnurx\" -DVERSION=\"2.5.1\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DLT_OBJDIR=\".libs/\" -I. -I.. -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -MT libgnurx_la-regex.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo -c ../regex.c -o libgnurx_la-regex.o >/dev/null 2>&1 DEBUG: mv -f .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Tpo .deps/libgnurx_la-regex.Plo DEBUG: /bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=link x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -I.. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -no-undefined -version-info 0:0:0 -export-dynamic -o -rpath /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib libgnurx_la-regex.lo DEBUG: libtool: link: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -shared .libs/libgnurx_la-regex.o -O2 -g -o .libs/libgnurx-0.dll -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker .libs/libgnurx.dll.a DEBUG: libtool: link: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar cru .libs/libgnurx.a libgnurx_la-regex.o DEBUG: libtool: link: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib .libs/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "" && ln -s "../" "" ) DEBUG: make: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win64' DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.oJKqZh DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + '[' /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 '!=' / ']' DEBUG: + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ++ dirname /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: + mkdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + cd mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include DEBUG: + run_mingw_make DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 install DEBUG: + make -C build_win32 DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 install DEBUG: make: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win32' DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win32' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib' DEBUG: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib' DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx.dll.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.dll.a DEBUG: libtool: install: base_file=`basename` DEBUG: libtool: install: dlpath=`/bin/sh 2>&1 -c '. .libs/''i; echo libgnurx-0.dll'` DEBUG: libtool: install: dldir=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/`dirname ../bin/libgnurx-0.dll` DEBUG: libtool: install: test -d /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin || mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx-0.dll /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin/libgnurx-0.dll DEBUG: libtool: install: chmod a+x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin/libgnurx-0.dll DEBUG: libtool: install: if test -n '' && test -n '/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strip --strip-unneeded'; then eval '/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-strip --strip-unneeded /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin/libgnurx-0.dll' || exit 0; fi DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx.lai /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/ DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: install: chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: warning: remember to run 'libtool --finish /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../regex.h '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win32' DEBUG: make: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win32' DEBUG: + make -C build_win64 DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 install DEBUG: make: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win64' DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win64' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib' DEBUG: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib' DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx.dll.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.dll.a DEBUG: libtool: install: base_file=`basename` DEBUG: libtool: install: dlpath=`/bin/sh 2>&1 -c '. .libs/''i; echo libgnurx-0.dll'` DEBUG: libtool: install: dldir=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/`dirname ../bin/libgnurx-0.dll` DEBUG: libtool: install: test -d /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin || mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx-0.dll /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin/libgnurx-0.dll DEBUG: libtool: install: chmod a+x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin/libgnurx-0.dll DEBUG: libtool: install: if test -n '' && test -n '/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip --strip-unneeded'; then eval '/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip --strip-unneeded /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/../bin/libgnurx-0.dll' || exit 0; fi DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx.lai /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/ DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgnurx.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: install: chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: install: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a DEBUG: libtool: warning: remember to run 'libtool --finish /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../regex.h '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win64' DEBUG: make: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1/build_win64' DEBUG: + mv /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libregex.a DEBUG: + mv /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libregex.a DEBUG: + mv /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.dll.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libregex.dll.a DEBUG: + mv /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libgnurx.dll.a /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/libregex.dll.a DEBUG: + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share/man DEBUG: + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share/man DEBUG: + find /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 -name '*.la' -delete DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/ /builddir/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: extracting debug info from /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgnurx-0.dll DEBUG: ~/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: extracting debug info from /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgnurx-0.dll DEBUG: ~/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive mingw-strip DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile /usr/bin/python 1 DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-java-repack-jars DEBUG: Processing files: mingw32-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.p7sXcy DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/mingw32-libgnurx DEBUG: + export DOCDIR DEBUG: + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/mingw32-libgnurx DEBUG: + cp -pr COPYING.LIB /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/mingw32-libgnurx DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Finding Requires(interp): DEBUG: Finding Requires(rpmlib): DEBUG: Finding Requires(verify): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pre): DEBUG: Finding Requires(post): DEBUG: Finding Requires(preun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(postun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pretrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires(posttrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Provides: mingw32(libgnurx-0.dll) mingw32-libgnurx = 2.5.1-17.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires: mingw32(kernel32.dll) mingw32(msvcrt.dll) mingw32(user32.dll) mingw32-crt mingw32-filesystem >= 95 DEBUG: Processing files: mingw32-libgnurx-static-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Finding Requires(interp): DEBUG: Finding Requires(rpmlib): DEBUG: Finding Requires(verify): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pre): DEBUG: Finding Requires(post): DEBUG: Finding Requires(preun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(postun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pretrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires(posttrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Provides: mingw32-libgnurx-static = 2.5.1-17.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Processing files: mingw64-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.DWp98O DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/mingw64-libgnurx DEBUG: + export DOCDIR DEBUG: + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/mingw64-libgnurx DEBUG: + cp -pr COPYING.LIB /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/mingw64-libgnurx DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Finding Requires(interp): DEBUG: Finding Requires(rpmlib): DEBUG: Finding Requires(verify): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pre): DEBUG: Finding Requires(post): DEBUG: Finding Requires(preun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(postun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pretrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires(posttrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Provides: mingw64(libgnurx-0.dll) mingw64-libgnurx = 2.5.1-17.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires: mingw64(kernel32.dll) mingw64(msvcrt.dll) mingw64(user32.dll) mingw64-crt mingw64-filesystem >= 95 DEBUG: Processing files: mingw64-libgnurx-static-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Finding Requires(interp): DEBUG: Finding Requires(rpmlib): DEBUG: Finding Requires(verify): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pre): DEBUG: Finding Requires(post): DEBUG: Finding Requires(preun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(postun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pretrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires(posttrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Provides: mingw64-libgnurx-static = 2.5.1-17.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Processing files: mingw32-libgnurx-debuginfo-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Finding Requires(interp): DEBUG: Finding Requires(rpmlib): DEBUG: Finding Requires(verify): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pre): DEBUG: Finding Requires(post): DEBUG: Finding Requires(preun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(postun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pretrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires(posttrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Provides: mingw32-libgnurx-debuginfo = 2.5.1-17.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Processing files: mingw64-libgnurx-debuginfo-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Finding Requires(interp): DEBUG: Finding Requires(rpmlib): DEBUG: Finding Requires(verify): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pre): DEBUG: Finding Requires(post): DEBUG: Finding Requires(preun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(postun): DEBUG: Finding Requires(pretrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires(posttrans): DEBUG: Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/ mingw32 mingw64 DEBUG: Provides: mingw64-libgnurx-debuginfo = 2.5.1-17.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/mingw32-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/mingw32-libgnurx-static-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/mingw64-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/mingw64-libgnurx-static-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/mingw32-libgnurx-debuginfo-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/mingw64-libgnurx-debuginfo-2.5.1-17.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.0mgqe8 DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: LEAVE do --> DEBUG: Copying packages to result dir Finish: rpmbuild mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm Finish: build phase for mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm INFO: Done(mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23.src.rpm) Config(fedora-23-x86_64) 1 minutes 52 seconds INFO: Results and/or logs in: /tmp/mingw-libgnurx-rbuild-rpm-vGxK2F3b INFO: Cleaning up build root ('cleanup_on_success=True') Start: clean chroot DEBUG: kill orphans DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/tmp/ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/var/cache/yum'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/pts'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/dev/shm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/sys'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2/root/proc'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: remove tree: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_2 Finish: clean chroot Finish: run