INFO: version 1.2.3 starting (python version = 2.7.9)... Start: init plugins DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/yum_cache/ INFO: selinux disabled Finish: init plugins Start: run DEBUG: mock final configuration: DEBUG: scm: False DEBUG: resultdir: /tmp/xorg-x11-fonts-rbuild-rpm-yy3uCO0E DEBUG: yum_builddep_command: /usr/bin/yum-builddep DEBUG: dist: fc23 DEBUG: verbose: 2 DEBUG: use_host_resolv: True DEBUG: createrepo_command: /usr/bin/createrepo_c -d -q -x *.src.rpm DEBUG: target_arch: x86_64 DEBUG: more_buildreqs: {} DEBUG: chrootuid: 105 DEBUG: update_before_build: True DEBUG: root_log_fmt_str: %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s DEBUG: state_log_fmt_str: %(asctime)s - %(message)s DEBUG: backup_base_dir: /var/lib/mock/backup DEBUG: internal_dev_setup: True DEBUG: environment: {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: releasever: 23 DEBUG: dnf_command: /usr/bin/dnf DEBUG: extra_chroot_dirs: ['/run/lock'] DEBUG: build_log_fmt_name: unadorned DEBUG: chrootgid: 999 DEBUG: files: {} DEBUG: print_main_output: False DEBUG: online: True DEBUG: cache_alterations: False DEBUG: cleanup_on_success: True DEBUG: useradd: /usr/sbin/useradd -o -m -u %(uid)s -g %(gid)s -d %(home)s -n %(user)s DEBUG: root_log_fmt_name: detailed DEBUG: chroot_name: fedora-23-x86_64 DEBUG: plugin_conf: {'package_state_enable': False, 'chroot_scan_opts': {'regexes': ['\\bcore(\\.\\d+)?$', '\\.log$'], 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'ccache_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'compress': None, 'max_cache_size': '4G', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/ccache/'}, 'root_cache_opts': {'exclude_dirs': ['./proc', './sys', './dev', './tmp/ccache', './var/cache/yum'], 'compress_program': 'pigz', 'extension': '.gz', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'age_check': True, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'max_age_days': 15, 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/root_cache/'}, 'mount_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'yum_cache_enable': True, 'chroot_scan_enable': False, 'bind_mount_opts': {'dirs': [], 'create_dirs': False, 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64'}, 'yum_cache_opts': {'max_metadata_age_days': 30, 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'online': True, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'max_age_days': 30, 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/yum_cache/'}, 'root_cache_enable': True, 'selinux_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'tmpfs_enable': False, 'tmpfs_opts': {'keep_mounted': False, 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'required_ram_mb': 900, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'mode': '0755', 'max_fs_size': None, 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64'}, 'ccache_enable': True, 'selinux_enable': True, 'package_state_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'mount_enable': False, 'bind_mount_enable': True} DEBUG: nosync_force: False DEBUG: rhnplugin.conf: [main] enabled=0 DEBUG: state_log_fmt_name: state DEBUG: plugin_dir: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mockbuild/plugins DEBUG: rpm_command: /bin/rpm DEBUG: config_paths: ['/etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg', '/etc/mock/fedora-23-x86_64.cfg'] DEBUG: root: fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 DEBUG: build_log_fmt_str: %(message)s DEBUG: legal_host_arches: ('x86_64',) DEBUG: internal_setarch: True DEBUG: scm_opts: {'exclude_vcs': True, 'git_timestamps': False, 'write_tar': False, 'svn_get': 'svn co file:///srv/svn/SCM_PKG/SCM_BRN SCM_PKG', 'spec': 'SCM_PKG.spec', 'git_get': 'git clone SCM_BRN git://localhost/SCM_PKG.git SCM_PKG', 'cvs_get': 'cvs -d /srv/cvs co SCM_BRN SCM_PKG', 'ext_src_dir': '/dev/null', 'method': 'git'} DEBUG: yum_command: /usr/bin/yum DEBUG: yum_builddep_opts: DEBUG: yum.conf: [main] keepcache=1 debuglevel=2 reposdir=/dev/null logfile=/var/log/yum.log retries=20 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=0 assumeyes=1 syslog_ident=mock syslog_device= install_weak_deps=0 metadata_expire=0 # repos [fedora] name=fedora baseurl= metalink=$basearch failovermethod=priority #gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/mock/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary #gpgcheck=1 [updates] name=updates baseurl= metalink=$basearch failovermethod=priority #gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/mock/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary #gpgcheck=1 [reproducible-builds] name=reproducible-builds # dhiru's repository, see # this is the same person: dhiru = kholia = halfie baseurl= enabled=1 DEBUG: cleanup_on_failure: True DEBUG: enable_disable_repos: [] DEBUG: plugins: ['tmpfs', 'root_cache', 'yum_cache', 'bind_mount', 'ccache', 'selinux', 'package_state', 'chroot_scan', 'lvm_root', 'compress_logs', 'mount'] DEBUG: no_root_shells: False DEBUG: check: True DEBUG: nosync: False DEBUG: priorities.conf: [main] enabled=0 DEBUG: yum_common_opts: [] DEBUG: chroothome: /builddir DEBUG: rpmbuild_command: /usr/bin/rpmbuild DEBUG: basedir: /var/lib/mock DEBUG: macros: {'%_smp_mflags': '-j8', '%_rpmfilename': '%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm', '%_topdir': '/builddir/build'} DEBUG: version: 1.2.3 DEBUG: log_config_file: logging.ini DEBUG: rpmbuild_arch: x86_64 DEBUG: config_file: /etc/mock/fedora-23-x86_64.cfg DEBUG: backup_on_clean: False DEBUG: rpmbuild_timeout: 0 DEBUG: chroot_setup_cmd: install @buildsys-build DEBUG: subscription-manager.conf: DEBUG: unique-ext: mock_1 DEBUG: clean: True DEBUG: createrepo_on_rpms: False DEBUG: cache_topdir: /var/cache/mock DEBUG: Unsharing. Flags: 201457664 INFO: Start(xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm) Config(fedora-23-x86_64) Start: clean chroot Finish: clean chroot DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 Start: chroot init DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /tmp/xorg-x11-fonts-rbuild-rpm-yy3uCO0E DEBUG: creating dir: /tmp/xorg-x11-fonts-rbuild-rpm-yy3uCO0E INFO: calling preinit hooks INFO: enabled root cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/root_cache/ Start: unpacking root cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['tar', '--use-compress-program', 'pigz', '-xf', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/root_cache/cache.tar.gz', '-C', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./proc DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./proc DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./sys DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./sys DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./dev DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./dev DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./tmp/ccache DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./var/cache/yum DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./var/cache/yum Finish: unpacking root cache INFO: enabled yum cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum Start: cleaning yum metadata Finish: cleaning yum metadata INFO: enabled ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/ccache/ DEBUG: create skeleton dirs DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/lib/rpm DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/lib/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/lib/dbus DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/log DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/rpm DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/tmp DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/yum.repos.d DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/proc DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/sys DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/run/lock DEBUG: remove tree: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/fstab DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/log/yum.log DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/os-release DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'proc', 'proc', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/proc'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'sysfs', 'mock_chroot_sys', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/sys'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'mock_chroot_shmfs', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'devpts', '-o', 'gid=5,mode=0620,ptmxmode=0666,newinstance', 'mock_chroot_devpts', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '--bind', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/yum_cache/', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '--bind', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/ccache/', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /tmp/xorg-x11-fonts-rbuild-rpm-yy3uCO0E Mock Version: 1.2.3 INFO: Mock Version: 1.2.3 INFO: Mock Version: 1.2.3 DEBUG: rootdir = /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: resultdir = /tmp/xorg-x11-fonts-rbuild-rpm-yy3uCO0E DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/pki/mock DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/yum/pluginconf.d DEBUG: configure yum DEBUG: configure yum priorities DEBUG: configure yum rhnplugin DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/userdel', '-r', '-f', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/userdel', '-r', '-f', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: userdel: user 'mockbuild' does not exist DEBUG: Child return code was: 6 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/groupdel', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: groupdel: group 'mockbuild' does not exist DEBUG: Child return code was: 6 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/groupadd', '-g', '999', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: /usr/sbin/useradd -o -m -u 105 -g 999 -d /builddir -n mockbuild with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/RPMS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/RPMS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SPECS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SPECS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SRPMS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SRPMS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SOURCES DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SOURCES DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/originals DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/originals Start: yum update DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'update'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'update'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Setting up Update Process DEBUG: No Packages marked for Update DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 Finish: yum update DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/.initialized Finish: chroot init Start: build phase for xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm Start: build setup for xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/rpm', '-Uvh', '--nodeps', '/builddir/build/originals/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages index using db5 - Permission denied (13) DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm DEBUG: warning: /builddir/build/originals/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 34ec9cba: NOKEY DEBUG: Updating / installing... DEBUG: xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23 ######################################## DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/rpm', '-qpl', '/builddir/build/originals/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages index using db5 - Permission denied (13) DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm DEBUG: 0001-jisx0201.1976-0.enc-Add-undefined-mapping-for-0x7f-0.patch DEBUG: encodings-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-alias-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-arabic-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-cursor-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-dec-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-isas-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-jis-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-micro-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-misc-misc-1.1.2.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-mutt-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-sony-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-sun-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: xorg-x11-fonts.spec DEBUG: warning: /builddir/build/originals/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 34ec9cba: NOKEY DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/xorg-x11-fonts.spec'], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root'shell=FalseprintOutput=Falseenv={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'}gid=999user='mockbuild'timeout=0logger=uid=105) DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/xorg-x11-fonts.spec'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Building target platforms: x86_64 DEBUG: Building for target x86_64 DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: LEAVE do --> DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'resolvedep', 'ccache'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'resolvedep', 'ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: 0:ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'install', 'ccache'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'install', 'ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Setting up Install Process DEBUG: Resolving Dependencies DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package ccache.x86_64 0:3.2.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: rtld(GNU_HASH) for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: coreutils for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /bin/sh for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /bin/sh for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package bash.x86_64 0:4.3.42-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: bash-4.3.42-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package coreutils.x86_64 0:8.24-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ncurses for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: grep for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gmp for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /sbin/install-info for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /sbin/install-info for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package glibc.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.22-10.fc23 for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libgcc for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: basesystem for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package zlib.x86_64 0:1.2.8-9.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package basesystem.noarch 0:11-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: setup for package: basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: filesystem for package: basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: tzdata >= 2003a for package: glibc-common-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package gmp.x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package grep.x86_64 0:2.22-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: grep-2.22-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package info.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libacl.x86_64 0:2.2.52-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libattr.x86_64 0:2.4.47-14.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libcap.x86_64 0:2.24-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libgcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libselinux.x86_64 0:2.4-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libsepol >= 2.4-1 for package: libselinux-2.4-4.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses-libs.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ncurses-base = 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 for package: ncurses-libs-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 0:3.22.0-1.0.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ca-certificates >= 2008-5 for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: crypto-policies for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package ca-certificates.noarch 0:2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: p11-kit-trust >= 0.19.2 for package: ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: p11-kit >= 0.19.2 for package: ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package crypto-policies.noarch 0:20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package filesystem.x86_64 0:3.2-35.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.14-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: keyutils-libs >= 1.5.8 for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: sed for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gawk for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libcom_err.x86_64 0:1.42.13-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libsepol.x86_64 0:2.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libstdc++.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses-base.noarch 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package pcre.x86_64 0:8.38-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package setup.noarch 0:2.9.8-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: system-release for package: setup-2.9.8-2.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package tzdata.noarch 0:2016a-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package fedora-release.noarch 0:23-1 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: fedora-repos(23) for package: fedora-release-23-1.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package gawk.x86_64 0:4.1.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package keyutils-libs.x86_64 0:1.5.9-7.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libverto.x86_64 0:0.2.6-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package p11-kit.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package sed.x86_64 0:4.2.2-11.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package chkconfig.x86_64 0:1.7-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package fedora-repos.noarch 0:23-1 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libffi.x86_64 0:3.1-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libtasn1.x86_64 0:4.5-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package popt.x86_64 0:1.16-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Finished Dependency Resolution DEBUG: Dependencies Resolved DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Package Arch Version Repository Size DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Installing: DEBUG: ccache x86_64 3.2.4-1.fc23 updates 206 k DEBUG: Installing for dependencies: DEBUG: basesystem noarch 11-1.fc23 fedora 9.6 k DEBUG: bash x86_64 4.3.42-3.fc23 updates 1.4 M DEBUG: ca-certificates noarch 2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 updates 432 k DEBUG: chkconfig x86_64 1.7-1.fc23 updates 179 k DEBUG: coreutils x86_64 8.24-6.fc23 updates 2.8 M DEBUG: crypto-policies noarch 20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 updates 30 k DEBUG: fedora-release noarch 23-1 fedora 16 k DEBUG: fedora-repos noarch 23-1 fedora 78 k DEBUG: filesystem x86_64 3.2-35.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: gawk x86_64 4.1.3-2.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: glibc x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 3.6 M DEBUG: glibc-common x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 11 M DEBUG: gmp x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 fedora 282 k DEBUG: grep x86_64 2.22-6.fc23 updates 275 k DEBUG: info x86_64 6.0-2.fc23 updates 214 k DEBUG: keyutils-libs x86_64 1.5.9-7.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: krb5-libs x86_64 1.14-8.fc23 updates 839 k DEBUG: libacl x86_64 2.2.52-10.fc23 fedora 32 k DEBUG: libattr x86_64 2.4.47-14.fc23 fedora 24 k DEBUG: libcap x86_64 2.24-8.fc23 fedora 51 k DEBUG: libcom_err x86_64 1.42.13-3.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: libffi x86_64 3.1-8.fc23 fedora 34 k DEBUG: libgcc x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 88 k DEBUG: libselinux x86_64 2.4-4.fc23 fedora 147 k DEBUG: libsepol x86_64 2.4-1.fc23 fedora 257 k DEBUG: libstdc++ x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 425 k DEBUG: libtasn1 x86_64 4.5-2.fc23 fedora 324 k DEBUG: libverto x86_64 0.2.6-5.fc23 fedora 21 k DEBUG: ncurses x86_64 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 321 k DEBUG: ncurses-base noarch 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 75 k DEBUG: ncurses-libs x86_64 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 306 k DEBUG: nss-softokn-freebl x86_64 3.22.0-1.0.fc23 updates 208 k DEBUG: openssl-libs x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 updates 1.2 M DEBUG: p11-kit x86_64 0.23.2-1.fc23 updates 151 k DEBUG: p11-kit-trust x86_64 0.23.2-1.fc23 updates 131 k DEBUG: pcre x86_64 8.38-5.fc23 updates 495 k DEBUG: popt x86_64 1.16-6.fc23 fedora 59 k DEBUG: sed x86_64 4.2.2-11.fc23 fedora 237 k DEBUG: setup noarch 2.9.8-2.fc23 fedora 172 k DEBUG: tzdata noarch 2016a-1.fc23 updates 409 k DEBUG: zlib x86_64 1.2.8-9.fc23 fedora 95 k DEBUG: Transaction Summary DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Install 42 Packages DEBUG: Total size: 29 M DEBUG: Installed size: 176 M DEBUG: Downloading Packages: DEBUG: Running Transaction Check DEBUG: Running Transaction Test DEBUG: Transaction Test Succeeded DEBUG: Running Transaction DEBUG: Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum. DEBUG: Installing : libgcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 1/42 DEBUG: Installing : fedora-release-23-1.noarch 2/42 DEBUG: warning: /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora saved as /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora.rpmorig DEBUG: Installing : fedora-repos-23-1.noarch 3/42 DEBUG: Installing : setup-2.9.8-2.fc23.noarch 4/42 DEBUG: warning: /etc/group created as /etc/group.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/gshadow created as /etc/gshadow.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/hosts created as /etc/hosts.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/passwd created as /etc/passwd.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/shadow created as /etc/shadow.rpmnew DEBUG: Installing : filesystem-3.2-35.fc23.x86_64 5/42 DEBUG: Installing : basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch 6/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-base-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.noarch 7/42 DEBUG: Installing : tzdata-2016a-1.fc23.noarch 8/42 DEBUG: Installing : nss-softokn-freebl-3.22.0-1.0.fc23.x86_64 9/42 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-common-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 10/42 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 11/42 DEBUG: Installing : libstdc++-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 12/42 DEBUG: Installing : pcre-8.38-5.fc23.x86_64 13/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-libs-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 14/42 DEBUG: Installing : bash-4.3.42-3.fc23.x86_64 15/42 DEBUG: Installing : libsepol-2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 16/42 DEBUG: Installing : libselinux-2.4-4.fc23.x86_64 17/42 DEBUG: Installing : info-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 18/42 DEBUG: warning: /usr/share/info/dir created as /usr/share/info/dir.rpmnew DEBUG: Installing : libattr-2.4.47-14.fc23.x86_64 19/42 DEBUG: Installing : libacl-2.2.52-10.fc23.x86_64 20/42 DEBUG: Installing : grep-2.22-6.fc23.x86_64 21/42 DEBUG: Installing : libcom_err-1.42.13-3.fc23.x86_64 22/42 DEBUG: Installing : zlib-1.2.8-9.fc23.x86_64 23/42 DEBUG: Installing : libffi-3.1-8.fc23.x86_64 24/42 DEBUG: Installing : p11-kit-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 25/42 DEBUG: Installing : sed-4.2.2-11.fc23.x86_64 26/42 DEBUG: Installing : libcap-2.24-8.fc23.x86_64 27/42 DEBUG: Installing : gawk-4.1.3-2.fc23.x86_64 28/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 29/42 DEBUG: Installing : 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 30/42 DEBUG: Installing : libverto-0.2.6-5.fc23.x86_64 31/42 DEBUG: Installing : popt-1.16-6.fc23.x86_64 32/42 DEBUG: Installing : chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 33/42 DEBUG: Installing : libtasn1-4.5-2.fc23.x86_64 34/42 DEBUG: Installing : p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 35/42 DEBUG: Installing : keyutils-libs-1.5.9-7.fc23.x86_64 36/42 DEBUG: Installing : krb5-libs-1.14-8.fc23.x86_64 37/42 DEBUG: Installing : 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 38/42 DEBUG: Installing : coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 39/42 DEBUG: Installing : crypto-policies-20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23.noarch 40/42 DEBUG: Installing : ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch 41/42 DEBUG: Installing : ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 42/42 DEBUG: Installed: DEBUG: ccache.x86_64 0:3.2.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: Dependency Installed: DEBUG: basesystem.noarch 0:11-1.fc23 DEBUG: bash.x86_64 0:4.3.42-3.fc23 DEBUG: ca-certificates.noarch 0:2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 DEBUG: chkconfig.x86_64 0:1.7-1.fc23 DEBUG: coreutils.x86_64 0:8.24-6.fc23 DEBUG: crypto-policies.noarch 0:20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 DEBUG: fedora-release.noarch 0:23-1 DEBUG: fedora-repos.noarch 0:23-1 DEBUG: filesystem.x86_64 0:3.2-35.fc23 DEBUG: gawk.x86_64 0:4.1.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: glibc.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: gmp.x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 DEBUG: grep.x86_64 0:2.22-6.fc23 DEBUG: info.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 DEBUG: keyutils-libs.x86_64 0:1.5.9-7.fc23 DEBUG: krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.14-8.fc23 DEBUG: libacl.x86_64 0:2.2.52-10.fc23 DEBUG: libattr.x86_64 0:2.4.47-14.fc23 DEBUG: libcap.x86_64 0:2.24-8.fc23 DEBUG: libcom_err.x86_64 0:1.42.13-3.fc23 DEBUG: libffi.x86_64 0:3.1-8.fc23 DEBUG: libgcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libselinux.x86_64 0:2.4-4.fc23 DEBUG: libsepol.x86_64 0:2.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: libstdc++.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libtasn1.x86_64 0:4.5-2.fc23 DEBUG: libverto.x86_64 0:0.2.6-5.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses-base.noarch 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses-libs.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 0:3.22.0-1.0.fc23 DEBUG: openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 DEBUG: p11-kit.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: pcre.x86_64 0:8.38-5.fc23 DEBUG: popt.x86_64 0:1.16-6.fc23 DEBUG: sed.x86_64 0:4.2.2-11.fc23 DEBUG: setup.noarch 0:2.9.8-2.fc23 DEBUG: tzdata.noarch 0:2016a-1.fc23 DEBUG: zlib.x86_64 0:1.2.8-9.fc23 DEBUG: Complete! DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum-builddep', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root//builddir/build/SRPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum-builddep', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root//builddir/build/SRPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Getting requirements for xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src DEBUG: --> 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package xorg-x11-font-utils.x86_64 1:7.5-29.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/bin/pkg-config for package: 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package xorg-x11-util-macros.noarch 0:1.19.0-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libtool for package: xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: automake for package: xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: autoconf for package: xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-21.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl >= 5.006 for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: m4 >= 1.4.14 for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(warnings) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(vars) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(strict) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(constant) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::ParseWords) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(POSIX) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(IO::File) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Getopt::Long) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::stat) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Spec) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Path) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Find) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Copy) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Compare) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Basename) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Exporter) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Errno) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(DynaLoader) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Data::Dumper) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Cwd) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Class::Struct) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Carp) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: emacs-filesystem for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/bin/perl for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package automake.noarch 0:1.15-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(threads) for package: automake-1.15-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Thread::Queue) for package: automake-1.15-4.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package freetype.x86_64 0:2.6.0-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: freetype-2.6.0-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: freetype-2.6.0-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: freetype-2.6.0-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libXfont.x86_64 0:1.5.1-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libfontenc.x86_64 0:1.1.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libtool.x86_64 0:2.4.6-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gcc = 5.3.1 for package: libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: tar for package: libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: findutils for package: libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package pkgconfig.x86_64 1:0.28-9.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:pkgconfig-0.28-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package bzip2-libs.x86_64 0:1.0.6-19.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package findutils.x86_64 1:4.5.16-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package gcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libgomp = 5.3.1-2.fc23 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: isl = 0.14 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: cpp = 5.3.1-2.fc23 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-devel >= 2.2.90-12 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: binutils >= 2.24 for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package glib2.x86_64 0:2.46.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: shared-mime-info for package: glib2-2.46.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libpng.x86_64 2:1.6.19-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package m4.x86_64 0:1.4.17-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-libs = 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Socket) >= 1.3 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Scalar::Util) >= 1.10 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-macros for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-libs for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(threads::shared) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(parent) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Unicode::Normalize) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Time::HiRes) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::Wrap) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::Tabs) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Storable) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Socket) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Scalar::Util) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Simple::XHTML) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Simple::Search) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Temp) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.22.1) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Carp.noarch 0:1.38-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 0:2.158-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Exporter.noarch 0:5.72-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-File-Path.noarch 0:2.09-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 0:2.48-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Usage) >= 1.14 for package: perl-Getopt-Long-2.48-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-PathTools.x86_64 0:3.62-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 0:3.30-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Thread-Queue.noarch 0:3.07-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-constant.noarch 0:1.33-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package tar.x86_64 2:1.28-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-15.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package cpp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package gdbm.x86_64 0:1.11-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package glibc-devel.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-headers = 2.22-10.fc23 for package: glibc-devel-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-headers for package: glibc-devel-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package isl.x86_64 0:0.14-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libgomp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libmpc.x86_64 0:1.0.2-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package mpfr.x86_64 0:3.1.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-File-Temp.noarch 0:0.23.04-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Escapes) >= 1.04 for package: 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Encode) for package: 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Text) >= 3.15 for package: 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-Pod-Perldoc for package: 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Socket.x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Storable.x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 0:2013.0523-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 0:1.9728-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Unicode-Normalize.x86_64 0:1.24-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-parent.noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-threads-shared.x86_64 0:1.48-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package shared-mime-info.x86_64 0:1.5-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: shared-mime-info-1.5-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: shared-mime-info-1.5-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package glibc-headers.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: kernel-headers >= 2.2.1 for package: glibc-headers-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: kernel-headers for package: glibc-headers-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libxml2.x86_64 0:2.9.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: libxml2-2.9.3-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: libxml2-2.9.3-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Encode.x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(MIME::Base64) for package: 3:perl-Encode-2.80-4.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 0:3.25-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(HTTP::Tiny) for package: perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: groff-base for package: perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-podlators.noarch 0:2.5.3-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Term::Cap) for package: perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Term::ANSIColor) for package: perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package groff-base.x86_64 0:1.22.3-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package kernel-headers.x86_64 0:4.3.5-300.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0:0.056-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Time::Local) for package: perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.056-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-MIME-Base64.x86_64 0:3.15-348.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 0:4.03-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Term-Cap.noarch 0:1.17-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package xz-libs.x86_64 0:5.2.1-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Time-Local.noarch 0:1.2300-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Finished Dependency Resolution DEBUG: Dependencies Resolved DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Package Arch Version Repository Size DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Installing: DEBUG: xorg-x11-font-utils x86_64 1:7.5-29.fc23 fedora 90 k DEBUG: xorg-x11-util-macros noarch 1.19.0-4.fc23 fedora 55 k DEBUG: Installing for dependencies: DEBUG: autoconf noarch 2.69-21.fc23 fedora 709 k DEBUG: automake noarch 1.15-4.fc23 fedora 695 k DEBUG: binutils x86_64 2.25-15.fc23 fedora 5.6 M DEBUG: bzip2-libs x86_64 1.0.6-19.fc23 updates 45 k DEBUG: cpp x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 8.3 M DEBUG: emacs-filesystem noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 updates 65 k DEBUG: findutils x86_64 1:4.5.16-1.fc23 updates 563 k DEBUG: freetype x86_64 2.6.0-3.fc23 fedora 410 k DEBUG: gcc x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 19 M DEBUG: gdbm x86_64 1.11-6.fc23 fedora 138 k DEBUG: glib2 x86_64 2.46.2-1.fc23 updates 2.3 M DEBUG: glibc-devel x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 910 k DEBUG: glibc-headers x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 494 k DEBUG: groff-base x86_64 1.22.3-6.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: isl x86_64 0.14-4.fc23 fedora 490 k DEBUG: kernel-headers x86_64 4.3.5-300.fc23 updates 1.0 M DEBUG: libXfont x86_64 1.5.1-3.fc23 fedora 153 k DEBUG: libfontenc x86_64 1.1.3-2.fc23 fedora 35 k DEBUG: libgomp x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 152 k DEBUG: libmpc x86_64 1.0.2-4.fc23 fedora 55 k DEBUG: libpng x86_64 2:1.6.19-2.fc23 updates 118 k DEBUG: libtool x86_64 2.4.6-8.fc23 updates 707 k DEBUG: libxml2 x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc23 updates 684 k DEBUG: m4 x86_64 1.4.17-8.fc23 fedora 266 k DEBUG: mpfr x86_64 3.1.3-2.fc23 updates 214 k DEBUG: perl x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 6.9 M DEBUG: perl-Carp noarch 1.38-1.fc23 updates 29 k DEBUG: perl-Data-Dumper x86_64 2.158-347.fc23 fedora 55 k DEBUG: perl-Encode x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 updates 1.5 M DEBUG: perl-Exporter noarch 5.72-347.fc23 fedora 33 k DEBUG: perl-File-Path noarch 2.09-347.fc23 fedora 31 k DEBUG: perl-File-Temp noarch 0.23.04-346.fc23 fedora 61 k DEBUG: perl-Getopt-Long noarch 2.48-1.fc23 updates 61 k DEBUG: perl-HTTP-Tiny noarch 0.056-3.fc23 fedora 53 k DEBUG: perl-MIME-Base64 x86_64 3.15-348.fc23 fedora 29 k DEBUG: perl-PathTools x86_64 3.62-1.fc23 updates 88 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Escapes noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 fedora 19 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Perldoc noarch 3.25-347.fc23 fedora 84 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Simple noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 fedora 211 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Usage noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 fedora 33 k DEBUG: perl-Scalar-List-Utils x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 updates 62 k DEBUG: perl-Socket x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 updates 55 k DEBUG: perl-Storable x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 fedora 84 k DEBUG: perl-Term-ANSIColor noarch 4.03-346.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: perl-Term-Cap noarch 1.17-1.fc23 fedora 22 k DEBUG: perl-Text-ParseWords noarch 3.30-346.fc23 fedora 17 k DEBUG: perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap noarch 2013.0523-346.fc23 fedora 23 k DEBUG: perl-Thread-Queue noarch 3.07-1.fc23 updates 22 k DEBUG: perl-Time-HiRes x86_64 1.9728-1.fc23 updates 50 k DEBUG: perl-Time-Local noarch 1.2300-346.fc23 fedora 29 k DEBUG: perl-Unicode-Normalize x86_64 1.24-1.fc23 updates 80 k DEBUG: perl-constant noarch 1.33-347.fc23 fedora 24 k DEBUG: perl-libs x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 822 k DEBUG: perl-macros x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 57 k DEBUG: perl-parent noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 fedora 18 k DEBUG: perl-podlators noarch 2.5.3-347.fc23 fedora 112 k DEBUG: perl-threads x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 fedora 58 k DEBUG: perl-threads-shared x86_64 1.48-346.fc23 fedora 44 k DEBUG: pkgconfig x86_64 1:0.28-9.fc23 fedora 60 k DEBUG: shared-mime-info x86_64 1.5-2.fc23 fedora 302 k DEBUG: tar x86_64 2:1.28-6.fc23 fedora 944 k DEBUG: xz-libs x86_64 5.2.1-3.fc23 fedora 90 k DEBUG: Transaction Summary DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Install 64 Packages DEBUG: Total size: 56 M DEBUG: Installed size: 164 M DEBUG: Downloading Packages: DEBUG: Running Transaction Check DEBUG: Running Transaction Test DEBUG: Transaction Test Succeeded DEBUG: Running Transaction DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-libs-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 1/64 DEBUG: Installing : mpfr-3.1.3-2.fc23.x86_64 2/64 DEBUG: Installing : libmpc-1.0.2-4.fc23.x86_64 3/64 DEBUG: Installing : libfontenc-1.1.3-2.fc23.x86_64 4/64 DEBUG: Installing : cpp-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 5/64 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-macros-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 6/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:emacs-filesystem-24.5-7.fc23.noarch 7/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:findutils-4.5.16-1.fc23.x86_64 8/64 DEBUG: Installing : isl-0.14-4.fc23.x86_64 9/64 DEBUG: Installing : kernel-headers-4.3.5-300.fc23.x86_64 10/64 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-headers-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 11/64 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-devel-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 12/64 DEBUG: Installing : binutils-2.25-15.fc23.x86_64 13/64 DEBUG: Installing : 2:libpng-1.6.19-2.fc23.x86_64 14/64 DEBUG: Installing : libgomp-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 15/64 DEBUG: Installing : gcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 16/64 DEBUG: Installing : 2:tar-1.28-6.fc23.x86_64 17/64 DEBUG: Installing : gdbm-1.11-6.fc23.x86_64 18/64 DEBUG: Installing : xz-libs-5.2.1-3.fc23.x86_64 19/64 DEBUG: Installing : libxml2-2.9.3-2.fc23.x86_64 20/64 DEBUG: Installing : glib2-2.46.2-1.fc23.x86_64 21/64 DEBUG: Installing : shared-mime-info-1.5-2.fc23.x86_64 22/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:pkgconfig-0.28-9.fc23.x86_64 23/64 DEBUG: Installing : groff-base-1.22.3-6.fc23.x86_64 24/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Time-Local-1.2300-346.fc23.noarch 25/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Term-Cap-1.17-1.fc23.noarch 26/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.03-346.fc23.noarch 27/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.056-3.fc23.noarch 28/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-348.fc23.x86_64 29/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch 30/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch 31/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Pod-Escapes-1.07-348.fc23.noarch 32/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-346.fc23.noarch 33/64 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch 34/64 DEBUG: Installing : 3:perl-Encode-2.80-4.fc23.x86_64 35/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-parent-0.234-3.fc23.noarch 36/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-constant-1.33-347.fc23.noarch 37/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.24-1.fc23.x86_64 38/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Storable-2.53-346.fc23.x86_64 39/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-346.fc23.noarch 40/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Time-HiRes-1.9728-1.fc23.x86_64 41/64 DEBUG: Installing : 3:perl-Socket-2.021-1.fc23.x86_64 42/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-threads-shared-1.48-346.fc23.x86_64 43/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-File-Path-2.09-347.fc23.noarch 44/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-PathTools-3.62-1.fc23.x86_64 45/64 DEBUG: Installing : 2:perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.43-1.fc23.x86_64 46/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Exporter-5.72-347.fc23.noarch 47/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Carp-1.38-1.fc23.noarch 48/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-File-Temp-0.23.04-346.fc23.noarch 49/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch 50/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Getopt-Long-2.48-1.fc23.noarch 51/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-threads-2.02-2.fc23.x86_64 52/64 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 53/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Data-Dumper-2.158-347.fc23.x86_64 54/64 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Thread-Queue-3.07-1.fc23.noarch 55/64 DEBUG: Installing : bzip2-libs-1.0.6-19.fc23.x86_64 56/64 DEBUG: Installing : freetype-2.6.0-3.fc23.x86_64 57/64 DEBUG: Installing : libXfont-1.5.1-3.fc23.x86_64 58/64 DEBUG: Installing : m4-1.4.17-8.fc23.x86_64 59/64 DEBUG: Installing : autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch 60/64 DEBUG: Installing : automake-1.15-4.fc23.noarch 61/64 DEBUG: Installing : libtool-2.4.6-8.fc23.x86_64 62/64 DEBUG: Installing : xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-4.fc23.noarch 63/64 DEBUG: Installing : 1:xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23.x86_64 64/64 DEBUG: Installed: DEBUG: xorg-x11-font-utils.x86_64 1:7.5-29.fc23 DEBUG: xorg-x11-util-macros.noarch 0:1.19.0-4.fc23 DEBUG: Dependency Installed: DEBUG: autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-21.fc23 DEBUG: automake.noarch 0:1.15-4.fc23 DEBUG: binutils.x86_64 0:2.25-15.fc23 DEBUG: bzip2-libs.x86_64 0:1.0.6-19.fc23 DEBUG: cpp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 DEBUG: findutils.x86_64 1:4.5.16-1.fc23 DEBUG: freetype.x86_64 0:2.6.0-3.fc23 DEBUG: gcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: gdbm.x86_64 0:1.11-6.fc23 DEBUG: glib2.x86_64 0:2.46.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: glibc-devel.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: glibc-headers.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: groff-base.x86_64 0:1.22.3-6.fc23 DEBUG: isl.x86_64 0:0.14-4.fc23 DEBUG: kernel-headers.x86_64 0:4.3.5-300.fc23 DEBUG: libXfont.x86_64 0:1.5.1-3.fc23 DEBUG: libfontenc.x86_64 0:1.1.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: libgomp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libmpc.x86_64 0:1.0.2-4.fc23 DEBUG: libpng.x86_64 2:1.6.19-2.fc23 DEBUG: libtool.x86_64 0:2.4.6-8.fc23 DEBUG: libxml2.x86_64 0:2.9.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: m4.x86_64 0:1.4.17-8.fc23 DEBUG: mpfr.x86_64 0:3.1.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: perl.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Carp.noarch 0:1.38-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 0:2.158-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Encode.x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Exporter.noarch 0:5.72-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-File-Path.noarch 0:2.09-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-File-Temp.noarch 0:0.23.04-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 0:2.48-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0:0.056-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-MIME-Base64.x86_64 0:3.15-348.fc23 DEBUG: perl-PathTools.x86_64 0:3.62-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 0:3.25-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Socket.x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Storable.x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 0:4.03-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Term-Cap.noarch 0:1.17-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 0:3.30-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 0:2013.0523-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Thread-Queue.noarch 0:3.07-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 0:1.9728-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Time-Local.noarch 0:1.2300-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Unicode-Normalize.x86_64 0:1.24-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-constant.noarch 0:1.33-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-parent.noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-podlators.noarch 0:2.5.3-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 DEBUG: perl-threads-shared.x86_64 0:1.48-346.fc23 DEBUG: pkgconfig.x86_64 1:0.28-9.fc23 DEBUG: shared-mime-info.x86_64 0:1.5-2.fc23 DEBUG: tar.x86_64 2:1.28-6.fc23 DEBUG: xz-libs.x86_64 0:5.2.1-3.fc23 DEBUG: Complete! DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 Finish: build setup for xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm Start: rpmbuild xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['ccache', '-M', '4G'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Set cache size limit to 4.0 GB DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/xorg-x11-fonts.spec '], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root'shell=FalseprintOutput=Falseenv={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'}gid=999user='mockbuild'timeout=0logger=uid=105) DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/xorg-x11-fonts.spec '] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Building target platforms: x86_64 DEBUG: Building for target x86_64 DEBUG: Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.jyOpTw DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + rm -rf xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/mkdir -p xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + cd xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/encodings-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-alias-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-arabic-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-dec-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-isas-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-jis-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-micro-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-misc-misc-1.1.2.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-sony-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-sun-misc-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4.tar.bz2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: Patch #1 (0001-jisx0201.1976-0.enc-Add-undefined-mapping-for-0x7f-0.patch): DEBUG: + pushd encodings-1.0.4 DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #1 (0001-jisx0201.1976-0.enc-Add-undefined-mapping-for-0x7f-0.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file large/jisx0201.1976-0.enc DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.p6FQzF DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd encodings-1.0.4 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for mkfontscale... /usr/bin/mkfontscale DEBUG: checking if small encodings should be compressed... yes DEBUG: checking if large encodings should be compressed... yes DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for encodings files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/encodings DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating large/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: Making all in large DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4/large' DEBUG: GEN big5.eten-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN big5hkscs-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN cns11643-1.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN cns11643-2.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN cns11643-3.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN gb18030-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN gb18030.2000-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN gb18030.2000-1.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN gb2312.1980-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN gbk-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN jisx0201.1976-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN jisx0208.1990-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN jisx0212.1990-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN ksc5601.1987-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN ksc5601.1992-3.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN sun.unicode.india-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN encodings.dir DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4/large' DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4' DEBUG: GEN adobe-dingbats.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN adobe-standard.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN adobe-symbol.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN armscii-8.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN ascii-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN dec-special.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN ibm-cp850.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN ibm-cp437.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN ibm-cp852.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN ibm-cp866.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN iso8859-11.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN iso8859-13.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN iso8859-16.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN iso8859-6.16.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN iso8859-6.8x.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1250.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1251.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1252.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1253.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1254.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1255.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1256.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1257.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-cp1258.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN microsoft-win3.1.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN mulearabic-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN mulearabic-1.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN mulearabic-2.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN suneu-greek.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN tcvn-0.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN mulelao-1.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN tis620-2.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN viscii1.1-1.enc.gz DEBUG: GEN encodings.dir DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 100dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/100dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN courB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 75dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/75dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN courB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN symb18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN symb24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'courR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvBO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvO24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'helvR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'ncenR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'timR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 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GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courBO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN courR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvBO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN helvR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN ncenR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN timR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 100dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/100dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN UTB___10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 75dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/75dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN UTB___10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTB___24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTI___24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTB___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTI___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for Type1 files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/Type1 DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for mkfontscale... /usr/bin/mkfontscale DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: make: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-alias-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating 100dpi/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating 75dpi/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating cyrillic/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating misc/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: Making all in 100dpi DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/100dpi' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/100dpi' DEBUG: Making all in 75dpi DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/75dpi' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/75dpi' DEBUG: Making all in cyrillic DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/cyrillic' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/cyrillic' DEBUG: Making all in misc DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/misc' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/misc' DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-arabic-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-arabic-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN arabic24.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 100dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/100dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN lubB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 75dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/75dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN lubB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubB24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubBI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubI24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lubR24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luIS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'luRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lubR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN luRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 100dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/100dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN lutBS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-13 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 75dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/75dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN lutBS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS08-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutBS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS19-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file 'lutRS24-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN lutRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 100dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/100dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN charB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN tech14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN term14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN techB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN termB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for 75dpi files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/75dpi DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN charB10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charB24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charBI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charI24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR08.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN charR24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN tech14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN techB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN term14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN termB14.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for Type1 files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/Type1 DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for mkfontscale... /usr/bin/mkfontscale DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: make: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for cyrillic files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/cyrillic DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN crox1cb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1c.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1co.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1cbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1hb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1h.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1hbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1ho.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1tb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1t.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1tbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2cb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox1to.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2c.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2co.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2cbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2hb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2h.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2hbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2ho.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2tbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2tb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2t.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3cb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox2to.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3c.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3cbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3co.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3hb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3h.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3hbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3ho.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3tb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3tbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3to.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox3t.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4h.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4hbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4tb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4ho.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4hb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4tbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4t.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox4to.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5hb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5h.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5hbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5ho.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5tb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5t.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5tbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox5to.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6hb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6h.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6hbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6ho.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6t.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6tb.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6to.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN crox6tbo.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi10x16b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi10x20.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi6x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koinil2.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-cursor-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN cursor.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN hanglg16.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN hanglm16.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN hanglm24.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-dec-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-dec-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN deccurs.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN decsess.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-isas-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-isas-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN gb16fs.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN gb16st.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN gb24st.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-jis-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-jis-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN jiskan16.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN jiskan24.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-micro-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-micro-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN micro.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for cyrillic files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/cyrillic DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN koi12x24b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi12x24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi5x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi6x13b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi6x9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi6x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi7x14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi7x14b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi8x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi8x16b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi8x16.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi9x15b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi9x15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi9x18b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN koi9x18.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for TTF files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/TTF DEBUG: checking for directory for OTF files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/OTF DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for mkfontscale... /usr/bin/mkfontscale DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: make: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-misc-1.1.2 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-misc-misc-1.1.2 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-11 --disable-iso8859-13 --disable-iso8859-16 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-5 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-7 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-8 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-11 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-16 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build KOI8-R fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build JISX0201 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN 4x6.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 12x13ja.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 18x18ja.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 18x18ko.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN k14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN nil2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '6x13O-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '7x13O-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '8x13O-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '6x13O-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '7x13O-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '8x13O-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '6x13O-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '7x13O-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '8x13O-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: No glyph for character U+20AF (0xa5) available. DEBUG: Writing 219 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: No glyph for character U+20AF (0xa5) available. DEBUG: Writing 188 characters into file '6x13O-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: No glyph for character U+20AF (0xa5) available. DEBUG: Writing 188 characters into file '7x13O-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 189 characters into file '8x13O-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 187 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '6x13O-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '7x13O-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '8x13O-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '6x13O-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '7x13O-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '8x13O-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '4x6-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x8-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x9-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '5x7-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x10-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '6x13O-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13B-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '7x13O-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13B-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '6x13-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14B-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x13-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13B-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '7x14-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 192 characters into file '8x13O-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: GEN 4x6-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: GEN 5x7-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '4x6-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15B-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18B-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '8x13-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x8-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x9-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x12-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: GEN 6x10-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '5x7-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '5x8-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '6x9-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x13-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '6x10-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x14-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x15-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 8x13-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: GEN 9x15-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '9x18-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '7x14-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '6x12-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 10x20-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: GEN 7x14-JISX0201.1976-0.bdf DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '7x13-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '6x13-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '8x13-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file '10x20-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 190 characters into file '7x14-JISX0201.1976-0.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '9x15-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '9x18-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file '10x20-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13O-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13O-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13O-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 4x6-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x7-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 5x8-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x9-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x10-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x12-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 6x13-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x13-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x13-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x15-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 9x18-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 10x20-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 7x14-JISX0201.1976-0.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-mutt-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN cu12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN cu-alt12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN cu-arabic12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN cuarabic12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN cudevnag12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN cu-devnag12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN cu-lig12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN cu-pua12.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts --disable-iso8859-3 --disable-iso8859-4 --disable-iso8859-10 --disable-iso8859-11 --disable-iso8859-13 --disable-iso8859-16 DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking for ucs2any... /usr/bin/ucs2any DEBUG: checking for MAPS... yes DEBUG: checking for ucs2any encoding data files... /usr/share/X11/fonts/util DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-1 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-2 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-3 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-4 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-5 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-7 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-8 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-9 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-10 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-11 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-13 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-14 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-15 fonts... yes DEBUG: checking whether to build ISO8859-16 fonts... no DEBUG: checking whether to build KOI8-R fonts... yes DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN clR6x12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB6x12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB6x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB8x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB8x12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB8x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB8x14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB8x16.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clI6x12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB8x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clB9x15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clI8x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR4x6.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR5x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR5x6.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR5x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x6.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR7x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR7x14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR7x12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR7x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR8x10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR8x12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR8x13.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR8x14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR8x16.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR8x8.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR9x15.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-2.bdf DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-1.bdf DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-5.bdf DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-7.bdf DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-8.bdf DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-9.bdf DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-14.bdf DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-15.bdf DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-1.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-2.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-KOI8-R.bdf DEBUG: Writing 220 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-7.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 185 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-8.bdf'. DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-9.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-14.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-15.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 223 characters into file 'clR6x12-ISO8859-5.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz DEBUG: Writing 255 characters into file 'clR6x12-KOI8-R.bdf'. DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN clR6x12-KOI8-R.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for cyrillic files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/cyrillic DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN screen8x16b.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN screen8x16.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sony-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-sony-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN 12x24.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 12x24rk.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x16.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN 8x16rk.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sun-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-sun-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for misc files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/misc DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN olcursor.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN olgl10.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN olgl12.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN olgl14.pcf.gz DEBUG: GEN olgl19.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for cyrillic files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/cyrillic DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for bdftopcf... /usr/bin/bdftopcf DEBUG: checking font compression method... gzip DEBUG: checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: GEN proof9x16.pcf.gz DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4 DEBUG: + autoreconf -vif DEBUG: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Gettext DEBUG: autoreconf: running: aclocal --force DEBUG: autoreconf: tracing DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Libtool DEBUG: autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force DEBUG: autoreconf: not using Autoheader DEBUG: autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing DEBUG: installing './compile' DEBUG: autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' DEBUG: + case $app in DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking whether build environment is sane... yes DEBUG: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p DEBUG: checking for gawk... gawk DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... yes DEBUG: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no DEBUG: checking for style of include used by make... GNU DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes DEBUG: checking dependency style of gcc... none DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... none needed DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether __clang__ is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __INTEL_COMPILER is declared... no DEBUG: checking whether __SUNPRO_C is declared... no DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config DEBUG: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unknown-warning-option... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=unused-command-line-argument... no DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wall... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-declarations... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wformat=2... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wstrict-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wnested-externs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wbad-function-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wold-style-definition... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wunused... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wuninitialized... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wshadow... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-noreturn... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wmissing-format-attribute... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wredundant-decls... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Wlogical-op... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=implicit... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=nonnull... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=init-self... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=main... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=missing-braces... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=sequence-point... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=return-type... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=trigraphs... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=array-bounds... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=write-strings... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=address... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -pedantic... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror... yes DEBUG: checking if gcc supports -Werror=attributes... yes DEBUG: checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for root directory for font files... /usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: checking for directory for Type1 files... ${FONTROOTDIR}/Type1 DEBUG: checking for fc-cache... no DEBUG: checking for mkfontdir... /usr/bin/mkfontdir DEBUG: checking for mkfontscale... /usr/bin/mkfontscale DEBUG: checking that generated files are newer than configure... done DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing depfiles commands DEBUG: + make -j8 DEBUG: make: Nothing to be done for 'all'. DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.qnkrsT DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + '[' /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 '!=' / ']' DEBUG: + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ++ dirname /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: + mkdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + cd xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd encodings-1.0.4 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Making install in large DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4/large' DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4/large' DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/encodings/large' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 big5.eten-0.enc.gz big5hkscs-0.enc.gz cns11643-1.enc.gz cns11643-2.enc.gz cns11643-3.enc.gz gb18030-0.enc.gz gb18030.2000-0.enc.gz gb18030.2000-1.enc.gz gb2312.1980-0.enc.gz gbk-0.enc.gz jisx0201.1976-0.enc.gz jisx0208.1990-0.enc.gz jisx0212.1990-0.enc.gz ksc5601.1987-0.enc.gz ksc5601.1992-3.enc.gz sun.unicode.india-0.enc.gz encodings.dir '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/encodings/large' DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4/large' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4/large' DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/encodings' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 adobe-dingbats.enc.gz adobe-standard.enc.gz adobe-symbol.enc.gz armscii-8.enc.gz ascii-0.enc.gz dec-special.enc.gz ibm-cp437.enc.gz ibm-cp850.enc.gz ibm-cp852.enc.gz ibm-cp866.enc.gz iso8859-11.enc.gz iso8859-13.enc.gz iso8859-16.enc.gz iso8859-6.16.enc.gz iso8859-6.8x.enc.gz microsoft-cp1250.enc.gz microsoft-cp1251.enc.gz microsoft-cp1252.enc.gz microsoft-cp1253.enc.gz microsoft-cp1254.enc.gz microsoft-cp1255.enc.gz microsoft-cp1256.enc.gz microsoft-cp1257.enc.gz microsoft-cp1258.enc.gz microsoft-win3.1.enc.gz mulearabic-0.enc.gz mulearabic-1.enc.gz mulearabic-2.enc.gz mulelao-1.enc.gz suneu-greek.enc.gz tcvn-0.enc.gz tis620-2.enc.gz viscii1.1-1.enc.gz encodings.dir '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/encodings' DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/encodings-1.0.4' DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 courB08.pcf.gz courB10.pcf.gz courB12.pcf.gz courB14.pcf.gz courB18.pcf.gz courB24.pcf.gz courBO08.pcf.gz courBO10.pcf.gz courBO12.pcf.gz courBO14.pcf.gz courBO18.pcf.gz courBO24.pcf.gz courO08.pcf.gz courO10.pcf.gz courO12.pcf.gz courO14.pcf.gz courO18.pcf.gz courO24.pcf.gz courR08.pcf.gz courR10.pcf.gz courR12.pcf.gz courR14.pcf.gz courR18.pcf.gz courR24.pcf.gz helvB08.pcf.gz helvB10.pcf.gz helvB12.pcf.gz helvB14.pcf.gz helvB18.pcf.gz helvB24.pcf.gz helvBO08.pcf.gz helvBO10.pcf.gz helvBO12.pcf.gz helvBO14.pcf.gz helvBO18.pcf.gz helvBO24.pcf.gz helvO08.pcf.gz helvO10.pcf.gz helvO12.pcf.gz helvO14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 helvO18.pcf.gz helvO24.pcf.gz helvR08.pcf.gz helvR10.pcf.gz helvR12.pcf.gz helvR14.pcf.gz helvR18.pcf.gz helvR24.pcf.gz ncenB08.pcf.gz ncenB10.pcf.gz ncenB12.pcf.gz ncenB14.pcf.gz ncenB18.pcf.gz ncenB24.pcf.gz ncenBI08.pcf.gz ncenBI10.pcf.gz ncenBI12.pcf.gz ncenBI14.pcf.gz ncenBI18.pcf.gz ncenBI24.pcf.gz ncenI08.pcf.gz ncenI10.pcf.gz ncenI12.pcf.gz ncenI14.pcf.gz ncenI18.pcf.gz ncenI24.pcf.gz ncenR08.pcf.gz ncenR10.pcf.gz ncenR12.pcf.gz ncenR14.pcf.gz ncenR18.pcf.gz ncenR24.pcf.gz timB08.pcf.gz timB10.pcf.gz timB12.pcf.gz timB14.pcf.gz timB18.pcf.gz timB24.pcf.gz timBI08.pcf.gz timBI10.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 timBI12.pcf.gz timBI14.pcf.gz timBI18.pcf.gz timBI24.pcf.gz timI08.pcf.gz timI10.pcf.gz timI12.pcf.gz timI14.pcf.gz timI18.pcf.gz timI24.pcf.gz timR08.pcf.gz timR10.pcf.gz timR12.pcf.gz timR14.pcf.gz timR18.pcf.gz timR24.pcf.gz symb08.pcf.gz symb10.pcf.gz symb12.pcf.gz symb14.pcf.gz symb18.pcf.gz symb24.pcf.gz courB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courBO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courBO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courBO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courBO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courBO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courBO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 courR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvBO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvBO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvBO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvBO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvBO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvBO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvO08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvO10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvO12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvO14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvO18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvO24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz helvR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ncenBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz ncenR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz timR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 courB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courBO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courBO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courBO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courBO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courBO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courBO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz courR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvBO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvBO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvBO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvBO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvBO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvBO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvO08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvO10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvO12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvO14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvO18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvO24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 helvR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz helvR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz ncenR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz timBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 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courR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz courR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz courR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 helvB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvBO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvBO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvBO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvBO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvBO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvBO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvO08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvO10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvO12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvO14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvO18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvO24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz helvR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ncenR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz ncenR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz timI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 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helvB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvBO08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvBO10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvBO12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvBO14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvBO18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvBO24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvO08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvO10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvO12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvO14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvO18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvO24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz helvR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ncenB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz ncenR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 timR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz timR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz courB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courBO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courBO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courBO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courBO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courBO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courBO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz courR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvBO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvBO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvBO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvBO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 helvBO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvBO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 timB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 courB08.pcf.gz courB10.pcf.gz courB12.pcf.gz courB14.pcf.gz courB18.pcf.gz courB24.pcf.gz courBO08.pcf.gz courBO10.pcf.gz courBO12.pcf.gz courBO14.pcf.gz courBO18.pcf.gz courBO24.pcf.gz courO08.pcf.gz courO10.pcf.gz courO12.pcf.gz courO14.pcf.gz courO18.pcf.gz courO24.pcf.gz courR08.pcf.gz courR10.pcf.gz courR12.pcf.gz courR14.pcf.gz courR18.pcf.gz courR24.pcf.gz helvB08.pcf.gz helvB10.pcf.gz helvB12.pcf.gz helvB14.pcf.gz helvB18.pcf.gz helvB24.pcf.gz helvBO08.pcf.gz helvBO10.pcf.gz helvBO12.pcf.gz helvBO14.pcf.gz helvBO18.pcf.gz helvBO24.pcf.gz helvO08.pcf.gz helvO10.pcf.gz helvO12.pcf.gz helvO14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 helvO18.pcf.gz helvO24.pcf.gz helvR08.pcf.gz helvR10.pcf.gz helvR12.pcf.gz helvR14.pcf.gz helvR18.pcf.gz helvR24.pcf.gz ncenB08.pcf.gz ncenB10.pcf.gz ncenB12.pcf.gz ncenB14.pcf.gz ncenB18.pcf.gz ncenB24.pcf.gz ncenBI08.pcf.gz ncenBI10.pcf.gz ncenBI12.pcf.gz ncenBI14.pcf.gz ncenBI18.pcf.gz ncenBI24.pcf.gz ncenI08.pcf.gz ncenI10.pcf.gz ncenI12.pcf.gz ncenI14.pcf.gz ncenI18.pcf.gz ncenI24.pcf.gz ncenR08.pcf.gz ncenR10.pcf.gz ncenR12.pcf.gz ncenR14.pcf.gz ncenR18.pcf.gz ncenR24.pcf.gz timB08.pcf.gz timB10.pcf.gz timB12.pcf.gz timB14.pcf.gz timB18.pcf.gz timB24.pcf.gz timBI08.pcf.gz timBI10.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 timBI12.pcf.gz timBI14.pcf.gz timBI18.pcf.gz timBI24.pcf.gz timI08.pcf.gz timI10.pcf.gz timI12.pcf.gz timI14.pcf.gz timI18.pcf.gz timI24.pcf.gz timR08.pcf.gz timR10.pcf.gz timR12.pcf.gz timR14.pcf.gz timR18.pcf.gz timR24.pcf.gz symb08.pcf.gz symb10.pcf.gz symb12.pcf.gz symb14.pcf.gz symb18.pcf.gz symb24.pcf.gz courB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz courB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 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'/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 helvBO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvBO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvO24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz helvR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz ncenR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 timB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz timR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 UTB___10.pcf.gz UTB___12.pcf.gz UTB___14.pcf.gz UTB___18.pcf.gz UTB___24.pcf.gz UTBI__10.pcf.gz UTBI__12.pcf.gz UTBI__14.pcf.gz UTBI__18.pcf.gz UTBI__24.pcf.gz UTI___10.pcf.gz UTI___12.pcf.gz UTI___14.pcf.gz UTI___18.pcf.gz UTI___24.pcf.gz UTRG__10.pcf.gz UTRG__12.pcf.gz UTRG__14.pcf.gz UTRG__18.pcf.gz UTRG__24.pcf.gz UTB___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 UTB___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 UTB___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 UTB___10.pcf.gz UTB___12.pcf.gz UTB___14.pcf.gz UTB___18.pcf.gz UTB___24.pcf.gz UTBI__10.pcf.gz UTBI__12.pcf.gz UTBI__14.pcf.gz UTBI__18.pcf.gz UTBI__24.pcf.gz UTI___10.pcf.gz UTI___12.pcf.gz UTI___14.pcf.gz UTI___18.pcf.gz UTI___24.pcf.gz UTRG__10.pcf.gz UTRG__12.pcf.gz UTRG__14.pcf.gz UTRG__18.pcf.gz UTRG__24.pcf.gz UTB___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 UTB___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz UTB___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 UTB___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz UTB___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTB___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTBI__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTI___24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz UTRG__24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 UTB_____.afm UTBI____.afm UTBI____.pfa UTB_____.pfa UTI_____.afm UTI_____.pfa UTRG____.afm UTRG____.pfa '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontscale /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1 DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1 DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-alias-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Making install in 100dpi DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/100dpi' DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/100dpi' DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 fonts.alias '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/100dpi' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/100dpi' DEBUG: Making install in 75dpi DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/75dpi' DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/75dpi' DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 fonts.alias '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/75dpi' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/75dpi' DEBUG: Making install in cyrillic DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/cyrillic' DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/cyrillic' DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 fonts.alias '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/cyrillic' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/cyrillic' DEBUG: Making install in misc DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/misc' DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/misc' DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 fonts.alias '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/misc' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3/misc' DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-alias-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-arabic-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-arabic-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-arabic-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 arabic24.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-arabic-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-arabic-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-arabic-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubB08.pcf.gz lubB10.pcf.gz lubB12.pcf.gz lubB14.pcf.gz lubB18.pcf.gz lubB19.pcf.gz lubB24.pcf.gz lubBI08.pcf.gz lubBI10.pcf.gz lubBI12.pcf.gz lubBI14.pcf.gz lubBI18.pcf.gz lubBI19.pcf.gz lubBI24.pcf.gz lubI08.pcf.gz lubI10.pcf.gz lubI12.pcf.gz lubI14.pcf.gz lubI18.pcf.gz lubI19.pcf.gz lubI24.pcf.gz luBIS08.pcf.gz luBIS10.pcf.gz luBIS12.pcf.gz luBIS14.pcf.gz luBIS18.pcf.gz luBIS19.pcf.gz luBIS24.pcf.gz lubR08.pcf.gz lubR10.pcf.gz lubR12.pcf.gz lubR14.pcf.gz lubR18.pcf.gz lubR19.pcf.gz lubR24.pcf.gz luBS08.pcf.gz luBS10.pcf.gz luBS12.pcf.gz luBS14.pcf.gz luBS18.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luBS19.pcf.gz luBS24.pcf.gz luIS08.pcf.gz luIS10.pcf.gz luIS12.pcf.gz luIS14.pcf.gz luIS18.pcf.gz luIS19.pcf.gz luIS24.pcf.gz luRS08.pcf.gz luRS10.pcf.gz luRS12.pcf.gz luRS14.pcf.gz luRS18.pcf.gz luRS19.pcf.gz luRS24.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luBIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubB08.pcf.gz lubB10.pcf.gz lubB12.pcf.gz lubB14.pcf.gz lubB18.pcf.gz lubB19.pcf.gz lubB24.pcf.gz lubBI08.pcf.gz lubBI10.pcf.gz lubBI12.pcf.gz lubBI14.pcf.gz lubBI18.pcf.gz lubBI19.pcf.gz lubBI24.pcf.gz lubI08.pcf.gz lubI10.pcf.gz lubI12.pcf.gz lubI14.pcf.gz lubI18.pcf.gz lubI19.pcf.gz lubI24.pcf.gz luBIS08.pcf.gz luBIS10.pcf.gz luBIS12.pcf.gz luBIS14.pcf.gz luBIS18.pcf.gz luBIS19.pcf.gz luBIS24.pcf.gz lubR08.pcf.gz lubR10.pcf.gz lubR12.pcf.gz lubR14.pcf.gz lubR18.pcf.gz lubR19.pcf.gz lubR24.pcf.gz luBS08.pcf.gz luBS10.pcf.gz luBS12.pcf.gz luBS14.pcf.gz luBS18.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luBS19.pcf.gz luBS24.pcf.gz luIS08.pcf.gz luIS10.pcf.gz luIS12.pcf.gz luIS14.pcf.gz luIS18.pcf.gz luIS19.pcf.gz luIS24.pcf.gz luRS08.pcf.gz luRS10.pcf.gz luRS12.pcf.gz luRS14.pcf.gz luRS18.pcf.gz luRS19.pcf.gz luRS24.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luBIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubBI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luIS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubR18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lubB08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubI12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lubB08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubB24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubBI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubI24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lubR24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 luBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luIS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz luRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lutBS08.pcf.gz lutBS10.pcf.gz lutBS12.pcf.gz lutBS14.pcf.gz lutBS18.pcf.gz lutBS19.pcf.gz lutBS24.pcf.gz lutRS08.pcf.gz lutRS10.pcf.gz lutRS12.pcf.gz lutRS14.pcf.gz lutRS18.pcf.gz lutRS19.pcf.gz lutRS24.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lutRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lutRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lutBS08.pcf.gz lutBS10.pcf.gz lutBS12.pcf.gz lutBS14.pcf.gz lutBS18.pcf.gz lutBS19.pcf.gz lutBS24.pcf.gz lutRS08.pcf.gz lutRS10.pcf.gz lutRS12.pcf.gz lutRS14.pcf.gz lutRS18.pcf.gz lutRS19.pcf.gz lutRS24.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lutRS19-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz lutBS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutBS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS08-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 lutRS14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS19-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz lutRS24-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 charB08.pcf.gz charB10.pcf.gz charB12.pcf.gz charB14.pcf.gz charB18.pcf.gz charB24.pcf.gz charBI08.pcf.gz charBI10.pcf.gz charBI12.pcf.gz charBI14.pcf.gz charBI18.pcf.gz charBI24.pcf.gz charI08.pcf.gz charI10.pcf.gz charI12.pcf.gz charI14.pcf.gz charI18.pcf.gz charI24.pcf.gz charR08.pcf.gz charR10.pcf.gz charR12.pcf.gz charR14.pcf.gz charR18.pcf.gz charR24.pcf.gz tech14.pcf.gz techB14.pcf.gz term14.pcf.gz termB14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 charB08.pcf.gz charB10.pcf.gz charB12.pcf.gz charB14.pcf.gz charB18.pcf.gz charB24.pcf.gz charBI08.pcf.gz charBI10.pcf.gz charBI12.pcf.gz charBI14.pcf.gz charBI18.pcf.gz charBI24.pcf.gz charI08.pcf.gz charI10.pcf.gz charI12.pcf.gz charI14.pcf.gz charI18.pcf.gz charI24.pcf.gz charR08.pcf.gz charR10.pcf.gz charR12.pcf.gz charR14.pcf.gz charR18.pcf.gz charR24.pcf.gz tech14.pcf.gz techB14.pcf.gz term14.pcf.gz termB14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 c0419bt_.afm c0419bt_.pfb c0582bt_.afm c0582bt_.pfb c0583bt_.afm c0583bt_.pfb c0611bt_.afm c0611bt_.pfb c0632bt_.afm c0632bt_.pfb c0633bt_.afm c0633bt_.pfb c0648bt_.afm c0648bt_.pfb c0649bt_.afm c0649bt_.pfb '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontscale /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1 DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1 DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3' DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 crox1cb.pcf.gz crox1c.pcf.gz crox1cbo.pcf.gz crox1co.pcf.gz crox1hb.pcf.gz crox1h.pcf.gz crox1hbo.pcf.gz crox1ho.pcf.gz crox1tb.pcf.gz crox1t.pcf.gz crox1tbo.pcf.gz crox1to.pcf.gz crox2cb.pcf.gz crox2c.pcf.gz crox2cbo.pcf.gz crox2co.pcf.gz crox2hb.pcf.gz crox2h.pcf.gz crox2hbo.pcf.gz crox2ho.pcf.gz crox2tb.pcf.gz crox2t.pcf.gz crox2tbo.pcf.gz crox2to.pcf.gz crox3cb.pcf.gz crox3c.pcf.gz crox3cbo.pcf.gz crox3co.pcf.gz crox3hb.pcf.gz crox3h.pcf.gz crox3hbo.pcf.gz crox3ho.pcf.gz crox3tb.pcf.gz crox3t.pcf.gz crox3tbo.pcf.gz crox3to.pcf.gz crox4hb.pcf.gz crox4h.pcf.gz crox4hbo.pcf.gz crox4ho.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 crox4tb.pcf.gz crox4t.pcf.gz crox4tbo.pcf.gz crox4to.pcf.gz crox5hb.pcf.gz crox5h.pcf.gz crox5hbo.pcf.gz crox5ho.pcf.gz crox5tb.pcf.gz crox5t.pcf.gz crox5tbo.pcf.gz crox5to.pcf.gz crox6hb.pcf.gz crox6h.pcf.gz crox6hbo.pcf.gz crox6ho.pcf.gz crox6tb.pcf.gz crox6t.pcf.gz crox6tbo.pcf.gz crox6to.pcf.gz koi10x16b.pcf.gz koi10x20.pcf.gz koi6x10.pcf.gz koinil2.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-cursor-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 cursor.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 hanglg16.pcf.gz hanglm16.pcf.gz hanglm24.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-dec-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-dec-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-dec-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 deccurs.pcf.gz decsess.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-dec-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-dec-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-dec-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-isas-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-isas-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-isas-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 gb16fs.pcf.gz gb16st.pcf.gz gb24st.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-isas-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-isas-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-isas-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-jis-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-jis-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-jis-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 jiskan16.pcf.gz jiskan24.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-jis-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-jis-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-jis-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-micro-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-micro-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-micro-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 micro.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-micro-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-micro-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-micro-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 koi12x24b.pcf.gz koi12x24.pcf.gz koi5x8.pcf.gz koi6x13b.pcf.gz koi6x13.pcf.gz koi6x9.pcf.gz koi7x14b.pcf.gz koi7x14.pcf.gz koi8x13.pcf.gz koi8x16b.pcf.gz koi8x16.pcf.gz koi9x15b.pcf.gz koi9x15.pcf.gz koi9x18b.pcf.gz koi9x18.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 GohaTibebZemen.otf '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 GohaTibebZemen.ttf '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontscale /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontscale /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-misc-1.1.2 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-misc-misc-1.1.2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 4x6.pcf.gz 5x7.pcf.gz 5x8.pcf.gz 6x9.pcf.gz 6x10.pcf.gz 6x12.pcf.gz 6x13.pcf.gz 6x13B.pcf.gz 6x13O.pcf.gz 7x13.pcf.gz 7x13B.pcf.gz 7x13O.pcf.gz 7x14.pcf.gz 7x14B.pcf.gz 8x13.pcf.gz 8x13B.pcf.gz 8x13O.pcf.gz 9x15.pcf.gz 9x15B.pcf.gz 9x18.pcf.gz 9x18B.pcf.gz 10x20.pcf.gz 12x13ja.pcf.gz 18x18ja.pcf.gz 18x18ko.pcf.gz k14.pcf.gz nil2.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 6x10-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 6x12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 6x13O-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 7x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 7x13O-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 7x14B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 8x13O-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 6x10-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 6x12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 6x13O-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 7x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 7x13O-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 7x14B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 8x13O-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 6x10-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 6x12-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 6x13O-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 7x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 7x13O-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 7x14B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 8x13O-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 6x10-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 6x12-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 6x13O-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 7x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 7x13O-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 7x14B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 8x13O-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 6x10-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 6x12-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 7x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 7x14B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 6x10-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 6x12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 6x13O-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 7x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 7x13O-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 7x14B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 8x13O-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 6x10-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 6x12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 6x13O-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 7x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 7x13O-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 7x14B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 8x13O-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz 4x6-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 5x7-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 5x8-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 6x9-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 6x10-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 6x12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 6x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 6x13B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 6x13O-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 7x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 7x13B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 7x13O-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 7x14-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 7x14B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 8x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 8x13B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 8x13O-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 9x15-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 9x15B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 9x18-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 9x18B-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz 10x20-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 4x6-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 5x7-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 5x8-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 6x9-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 6x10-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 6x12-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 6x13-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 7x13-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 7x14-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 8x13-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 9x15-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 9x18-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 10x20-KOI8-R.pcf.gz 7x14-JISX0201.1976-0.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-misc-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-mutt-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 cu12.pcf.gz cu-alt12.pcf.gz cu-arabic12.pcf.gz cuarabic12.pcf.gz cu-devnag12.pcf.gz cudevnag12.pcf.gz cu-lig12.pcf.gz cu-pua12.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 clR6x12.pcf.gz clB6x10.pcf.gz clB6x12.pcf.gz clB8x10.pcf.gz clB8x12.pcf.gz clB8x13.pcf.gz clB8x14.pcf.gz clB8x16.pcf.gz clB8x8.pcf.gz clB9x15.pcf.gz clI6x12.pcf.gz clI8x8.pcf.gz clR4x6.pcf.gz clR5x10.pcf.gz clR5x6.pcf.gz clR5x8.pcf.gz clR6x10.pcf.gz clR6x13.pcf.gz clR6x6.pcf.gz clR6x8.pcf.gz clR7x10.pcf.gz clR7x12.pcf.gz clR7x14.pcf.gz clR7x8.pcf.gz clR8x10.pcf.gz clR8x12.pcf.gz clR8x13.pcf.gz clR8x14.pcf.gz clR8x16.pcf.gz clR8x8.pcf.gz clR9x15.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz clR6x12-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz clR6x12-KOI8-R.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 screen8x16b.pcf.gz screen8x16.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-sony-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sony-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sony-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 12x24.pcf.gz 12x24rk.pcf.gz 8x16.pcf.gz 8x16rk.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sony-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sony-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sony-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sun-misc-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-sun-misc-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sun-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 olcursor.pcf.gz olgl10.pcf.gz olgl12.pcf.gz olgl14.pcf.gz olgl19.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sun-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sun-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-sun-misc-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 proof9x16.pcf.gz '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4 ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + for app in '*' DEBUG: + pushd font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 cursor.pfa '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1' DEBUG: /usr/bin/make install-data-hook DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontscale /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1 DEBUG: /usr/bin/mkfontdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1 DEBUG: echo "** Warning: fonts.cache not built" ; echo "** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache" DEBUG: ** Warning: fonts.cache not built DEBUG: ** Generate this file manually on host system using fc-cache DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5/font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4' DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d DEBUG: + for f in misc:unscaled:pri=10 75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 Type1 TTF OTF cyrillic DEBUG: + ln -fs /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-misc:unscaled:pri=10 DEBUG: + for f in misc:unscaled:pri=10 75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 Type1 TTF OTF cyrillic DEBUG: + ln -fs /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 DEBUG: + for f in misc:unscaled:pri=10 75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 Type1 TTF OTF cyrillic DEBUG: + ln -fs /usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 DEBUG: + for f in misc:unscaled:pri=10 75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 Type1 TTF OTF cyrillic DEBUG: + ln -fs /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 DEBUG: + for f in misc:unscaled:pri=10 75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 Type1 TTF OTF cyrillic DEBUG: + ln -fs /usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-TTF DEBUG: + for f in misc:unscaled:pri=10 75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 Type1 TTF OTF cyrillic DEBUG: + ln -fs /usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-OTF DEBUG: + for f in misc:unscaled:pri=10 75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 100dpi:unscaled:pri=30 Type1 TTF OTF cyrillic DEBUG: + ln -fs /usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic DEBUG: + FONTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts DEBUG: + for subdir in TTF OTF DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.alias /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.alias /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: + for subdir in TTF OTF DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.alias /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.alias /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: + for subdir in Type1 TTF OTF 100dpi 75dpi cyrillic misc DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.dir DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.scale DEBUG: ++ seq 1 9 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + for subdir in Type1 TTF OTF 100dpi 75dpi cyrillic misc DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.dir DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: ++ seq 1 9 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + for subdir in Type1 TTF OTF 100dpi 75dpi cyrillic misc DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.dir DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.scale DEBUG: ++ seq 1 9 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + for subdir in Type1 TTF OTF 100dpi 75dpi cyrillic misc DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.scale DEBUG: ++ seq 1 9 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + for subdir in Type1 TTF OTF 100dpi 75dpi cyrillic misc DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.dir DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.scale DEBUG: ++ seq 1 9 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + for subdir in Type1 TTF OTF 100dpi 75dpi cyrillic misc DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.dir DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.scale DEBUG: ++ seq 1 9 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + for subdir in Type1 TTF OTF 100dpi 75dpi cyrillic misc DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.dir DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/encodings.dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.dir DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.scale DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.scale DEBUG: ++ seq 1 9 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: + for fcver in '$(seq 1 9)' DEBUG: + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/ --strict-build-id -m --run-dwz --dwz-low-mem-die-limit 10000000 --dwz-max-die-limit 110000000 /builddir/build/BUILD/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: /usr/lib/rpm/sepdebugcrcfix: Updated 0 CRC32s, 0 CRC32s did match. DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /usr/bin/strip DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile /usr/bin/python 1 DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-java-repack-jars DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-misc-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/encodings.dir DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.alias DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-1 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-2 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-3 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-4 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-5 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-6 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-7 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-8 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.cache-9 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.dir DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.scale DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-base = 7.5-15.fc23 xorg-x11-fonts-misc = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh fontconfig mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh fontconfig mkfontdir DEBUG: Obsoletes: xorg-x11-fonts-base <= 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-Type1-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh fontconfig mkfontdir ttmkfdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh fontconfig mkfontdir ttmkfdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh fontconfig mkfontdir mkfontscale ttmkfdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh fontconfig mkfontdir mkfontscale ttmkfdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Processing files: xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic-7.5-15.fc23.noarch DEBUG: Provides: xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic = 7.5-15.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires(post): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Requires(postun): /bin/sh mkfontdir DEBUG: Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-misc-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-Type1-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic-7.5-15.fc23.noarch.rpm DEBUG: Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.bGF8uh DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd xorg-x11-fonts-7.5 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: LEAVE do --> DEBUG: Copying packages to result dir Finish: rpmbuild xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm Finish: build phase for xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm INFO: Done(xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23.src.rpm) Config(fedora-23-x86_64) 9 minutes 19 seconds INFO: Results and/or logs in: /tmp/xorg-x11-fonts-rbuild-rpm-yy3uCO0E INFO: Cleaning up build root ('cleanup_on_success=True') Start: clean chroot DEBUG: kill orphans DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/sys'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/proc'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: remove tree: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 Finish: clean chroot Finish: run