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Packages in bookworm/armhf where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied

reproducible icon 285 (0.8%) packages where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied. Note that temporary failures (eg. due to network problems) are automatically rescheduled every 4 hours.

trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure ring-clojure trapperkeeper-clojure shell-utils-clojure ring-codec-clojure resfinder-db pbdagcon truss-clojure cpath-clojure leiningen-clojure+ beckon-clojure ring-mock-clojure ring-basic-authentication-clojure openmolcas tools-analyzer-clojure crypto-random-clojure libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl clj-time-clojure puppetlabs-i18n-clojure fast-zip-clojure tools-reader-clojure sspace busco liberator-clojure encore-clojure fraqtive pyqwt3d win32-loader meshlabP biglybt iannix rsem stegosuite test-chuck-clojure data-xml-clojure easybind swtchart fuse-umfuse-ext2 crypto-equality-clojure fsm-lite eclipse-jdt-ui murphy-clojure kitchensink-clojure structured-logging-clojure eclipse-platform-resources raynes-fs-clojure psortb fontawesomefx clj-yaml-clojure xserver-xorg-video-glide+ controlsfx fast-zip-visit-clojure storymaps medley-clojure piccolo subtitlecomposer tigris insubstantial clj-digest-clojure cheshire-clojure riddley-clojure nippy-clojure seqsero maybe eclipse-platform-text shelxle ordered-clojure rocminfo potemkin-clojure test-check-clojure eclipse-platform-debug zeroc-ice plastimatch genomicsdb swtcalendar swt-paperclips libjfreechart-java mm3d libjogl2-java starjava-topcat goldencheetah rocrand libiscwt-java dustrac# barrnap libhibernate-validator-java prismatic-plumbing-clojure objcryst-fox virtualjaguar libmmmulti javafxsvg rust-sensors pizzly ruby-cose libatomic-queue arch-test mathcomp-algebra-tactics kleborate sight srst2 q2-taxa dioptas trapperkeeper-authorization-clojure q2-emperor openems deal.ii q2-types trapperkeeper-scheduler-clojure q2-quality-control trapperkeeper-filesystem-watcher-clojure q2-cutadapt q2-diversity-lib q2-demux trapperkeeper-status-clojure q2-alignment hipsparse pytorch-vision pytorch-audio+ rocm-hipamd q2-quality-filter q2-feature-table q2-feature-classifier pytorch-text meshsdfilter magit-annex vite mintpy sagetex q2-metadata openchemlib scmutils pyodc skorch parallel-fastq-dump metaphlan snpeff eclipse-jdt-debug bazel-bootstrap molmodel rpma puppetserver xperia-flashtool slib mediathekview pigx-rnaseq emperor umap-learn facet-analyser tools-logging-clojure agda-stdlib paleomix cloudcompare unifrac theli coq-hierarchy-builder coq-elpi pbseqlib qemu ruby-webauthn ariba heudiconv caml-crush votca picolibc openscad macromoleculebuilder rocsparse opm-simulators opm-upscaling pdfsam doomsday promod3 beast2-mcmc minimac4 libgit-annex-perl bidi-clojure jalview rbac-client-clojure opm-grid datalad-container malt fracplanet python-ete3 r-bioc-dupradar megan-ce gubbins eclipse-equinox pdns-recursor tuxguitar gasic ideep smrtanalysis threeb haskell-status-notifier-item umps3 haskell-gtk-sni-tray taffybar+ pysph haskell-byte-order eclipse-swtchart libjloda-java snpsift trapperkeeper-metrics-clojure blasr tools-analyzer-jvm-clojure mathcomp-analysis ssl-utils-clojure datalad core-match-clojure nrepl-incomplete-clojure igv fmit q2-dada2 jruby-utils-clojure chromhmm kraken python-pdbfixer edk2 rockhopper beagle parmed qcumber skesa biobambam2 racon josm core-async-clojure shovill drop-seq unicycler plasmidid opensbi puppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure picard-tools augur python-iow puppetlabs-http-client-clojure otb pbbam puppetdb shotcut+ ipxe colmap king kmerresistance kanboard libgoby-java pdns proteinortho htsjdk pyzoltan davmail bochs+ enki-aseba nthash artemis structure-synth prismatic-schema-clojure pilon afterburner.fx libmiglayout-java triplea eclipse-platform-team fastqc surankco eclipse-linuxtools eclipse-platform-ui orpie scilab qwtplot3d libmaxmind-db-writer-perl snek jverein rocprim eclipse-platform-runtime cat-bat jftp fuse-umfuse-fat lombok hibiscus dnsdist libnet-works-perl birdtray fuse-umfuse-iso9660 equinox-p2

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A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.