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Packages in experimental/amd64 tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 55 packages (4.9% of 1130) failed to build reproducibly in total, 20 (7.5% of 265) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

gnome-metronome rebar3 black rustc qt6-declarative qtscxml-everywhere-src qtbase-opensource-src-gles qtsensors-opensource-src qtremoteobjects-everywhere-src obfuscate jpeg-xl mia opensubdiv slepc qtconnectivity-opensource-src libsrm qt6-scxml rakudo# moarvm samba#

reproducible icon 163 packages (14.4% of 1130) failed to build from source in total, 44 (16.6% of 265) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

netavark aardvark-dns gnome-snapshot gtk4 rust-hypothesis insighttoolkit5 falkon kf6-kconfigwidgets sqlalchemy dino-im sssd kcmutils kpackage go-gir-generator dolphin-emu musescore-snapshot freebayes darkice qt6-tools kf6-kconfig sawfish iem-plugin-suite qtquickcontrols-opensource-src libgpiv mrtdreader polyml kopete mediagoblin scap-workbench daq gcc-14-cross-ports grok phpunit-environment openldap autogen broker pcl qtlocation-opensource-src highway clamav budgie-desktop puppet scalapack reiser4progs

reproducible icon 66 packages (5.8% of 1130) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 13 (4.9% of 265) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

kf6-syndication qflow urjtag vault rust-nitrokey-sys mpich yosys breezy rust-imap-codec keysafe sequitur-g2p tensorflow vuls

reproducible icon 830 packages (73.5% of 1130) successfully built reproducibly in total, 179 (67.5% of 265) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

gnome-tour rust-ripasso-cursive helvum rust-sqlx-core rust-process-viewer rust-async-tungstenite rust-wl-clipboard-rs railway-gtk rust-async-mutex luametatex hipify mapnik mpmath qt6-base mbt timblserver libchipcard kdegraphics-mobipocket dh-rebar thrift fracatux ucto rust-glib-sys rust-gobject-sys xdg-desktop-portal-gnome rust-async-broadcast zydis kf6-kcolorscheme mbedtls rust-xkbcommon-dl kf6-kpeople kf6-kunitconversion rust-x11-clipboard rust-event-listener rust-copypasta kf6-ktexttemplate kf6-kpty fgetty qtwebkit-opensource-src kf6-kcoreaddons kf6-karchive qt6-languageserver kf6-bluez-qt qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src kf6-kcodecs qtspeech-opensource-src libunibreak qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src qt6-imageformats qtwebview-opensource-src dracut qt6-serialport qtserialbus-everywhere-src tomcatjss rust-calloop sleef kf6-kcalendarcore qtgamepad-everywhere-src rust-gdk4-wayland rust-soup3 qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src zim-tools kiwix-tools rust-gio python-libzim rust-glib qtdoc-opensource-src rust-libgweather libccp4 rust-gtk4-sys rust-gsk4-sys rust-gweather-sys libkiwix synfig rust-glib-macros opm-common opm-grid rust-prost-types qt6-speech qt6-quick3d qt6-virtualkeyboard qt6-multimedia qt6-3d qt6-shadertools qt3d-opensource-src rust-cursor-icon qtwebchannel-opensource-src xrdp qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src qtscript-opensource-src qtimageformats-opensource-src qttranslations-opensource-src qtx11extras-opensource-src qtsvg-opensource-src gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect rust-tiny-skia rust-wayland-protocols-wlr qtserialport-opensource-src uw-imap termrec libevent rust-tiny-skia-path libimobiledevice-glue libselinuxP rust-wayland-protocols-plasma pragha wlcs tuiwidgets openconnect wlroots dante qt-qml-models macromoleculebuilder lua-compat53 uudeview libsysstat gmerlin-avdecoder rust-heck rust-multimap python-mapnik cloudcompare qt6-datavis3d qt6-positioning qt6-serialbus qt6-5compat qt6-connectivity qt6-charts qt6-svg qt6-sensors rust-nalgebra qt6-webchannel poppler qt6-networkauth qt6-lottie gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng qtmultimedia-opensource-src pytaglib rust-calloop-wayland-source qt6-httpserver qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src rust-wayland-csd-frame qt6-websockets qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src qt6-grpc rust-alacritty-terminal zaqar-tempest-plugin php-algo26-idna-convert qt6-webengine lcms2 ki18n qtwebsockets-opensource-src qt6-translations qt6-quick3dphysics utfcpp qt6-quicktimeline phpcpd nbd qt6-wayland qtbase-opensource-src### libsdl3-ttf libplist libsdl3-image libxfce4windowing golang-github-google-s2a-go kf6-kglobalaccel kf6-kservice meta-phosh kf6-kxmlgui kf6-kbookmarks kf6-kiconthemes kf6-kdesu rust-event-listener-strategy kf6-ktextwidgets kf6-kded doctrine haskell-hadrian nginx evolution-data-server libwebp

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.