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Packages in trixie/i386 tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 716 packages (2.1% of 34828) failed to build reproducibly in total, 1 (0.3% of 340) of them in the last 24h in trixie/i386:


reproducible icon 527 packages (1.5% of 34828) failed to build from source in total, 6 (1.8% of 340) of them in the last 24h in trixie/i386:

mypy littler node-glob jack-capture tudu devscripts

reproducible icon 33016 packages (94.8% of 34828) successfully built reproducibly in total, 330 (97.1% of 340) of them in the last 24h in trixie/i386:

ruby-rack-cors gnome-bluetooth ruby-aws-eventstream l2tpns haskell-generic-lens haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint r-cran-brio haskell-tar-conduit node-browserslist golang-github-creack-pty golang-github-wader-readline haskell-base64-bytestring libpar-packer-perl haskell-resourcet haskell-http-client-restricted haskell-jira-wiki-markup ckb-next haskell-th-constraint-compat haskell-assoc haskell-indexed-profunctors r-cran-data.table libubootenv cog r-cran-bookdown golang-github-jarcoal-httpmock haskell-rio-orphans haskell-math-functions fife golang-github-wader-gojq r-cran-bindrcpp hexalate lz4-java rust-bumpalo python-signedjson haskell-generic-lens-core ujson coinutils etbemon rust-lock-api haskell-src-exts-simple python-fakeredis debian-edu-install impacket repmgr guile-ssh dh-r libtickit-console-perl python-distro r-cran-future.batchtools fonts-sil-doulos lasso node-rdf-canonize jodconverter openhft-chronicle-threads extension-helpers python-canonicaljson erlang-idna edid-decode pyrandom2 r-cran-dqrng erlang-unicode-util-compat compreffor erlang-base64url armadillo slurp krb5-strength python-mpegdash py-macaroon-bakery py3status libfreesrp cacti dds distlib r-cran-plumber wcslib dmidecode flightcrew slinkwatch libsass haskell-foldl r-cran-rniftilib libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl ruby-net-ssh pytrainer libb-utils-perl superlu-dist pyclipper r-cran-pki r-cran-rjags r-cran-eaf golang-github-imdario-mergo erlang-redis-client libbio-samtools-perl espeak-ng brightnessctl mate-menus libnitrokey elpa-migemo libyaml-perl mate-screensaver python-prometheus-client proda elkcode libxml-parser-perl automat mutt-vc-query pytest-qt r-cran-bbmle slxfig libxml-rss-perl autodir erlang-jiffy python-certifi incremental rolo jing-trang natbraille golang-github-jlaffaye-ftp dicomscope ruby-sidekiq librt-client-rest-perl fextremes unixcw golang-github-kubernetes-gengo upower ruby-open-uri-redirections r-cran-gam python-passlib javamorph wmhdplop ruby-rack-attack libonig dq xsensors r-cran-desc wmdrawer pycares ticker shapelib pirs s3curl unicode-cldr-core traceroute sixer gs-collections tinycdb zope.proxy autopsy libloc art-nextgen-simulation-tools speechd-up peg-e zope.interface subnetcalc neotoma procmeter3 sonic sed fimport python-os-api-ref xlsxwriter php-htmlpurifier ruby-plist ruby-mimemagic ruby-chronic-duration gpsim python-aiohttp mathic pmw jodconverter-cli rdp-classifier pg8000 pushover erlang-p1-mysql snpomatic libgo-perl wtf-peewee ruby-hashdiff erlang-meck libjswingreader-java paramiko php-auth-sasl clawsker erlang-p1-stun qstardict erlang-folsom lrzip avalon-framework openbsd-inetd r-cran-timedate caja ipcalc bosh joystick laptop-mode-tools rename python-biopython libde265 oss-compat libusb python-pathtools hp48cc ltsp original-awk bibtexconv unifdef flask-ldapconn fonts-stix python-bleach bcftools cassiopee opensp andi blt golang-github-evanphx-json-patch makeself pymssql fonts-f500 fastaq boinctui autodock-vina wxpython4.0 python-ciso8601 dosbox libosmosdr numptyphysics imgsizer r-cran-diptest at erlang-p1-tls erlang-goldrush python-airr erlang-bear r-cran-dt rust-libgpg-error-sys activemq-protobuf ssldump python-dracclient xmobar 7kaa libmirisdr graphite2 cubemap concordance librecad gluegen2 django-iconify ruby-flipper fasttext bali-phy uhd cpio python-lunardate ruby-http-parser aladin graide rnahybrid r-cran-webutils python-handy-archives moon-buggy cod-tools hodie erlang-lager htscodecs rust-gpg-error qcelemental erlang-luerl libutil-h2o-perl golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday nanovna-saver rust-strict-num rust-dlib erlang-p1-yaml indi-ffmv erlang-p1-sqlite3 erlang-p1-zlib erlang-p1-pkix vcfanno soju mgcv libfuture-xs-perl smifb2 lttoolbox kdecoration python-apeye dar offlineimap3 libcassandra-client-perl pysmi textdistance subunit tinyxml imvirt lios beep r-cran-brew enigma libssh usb-modeswitch-data git-timemachine imagemagick python-babelgladeextractor haskell-rsa haskell-reflection python-flask-jwt-extended chiaki haskell-universe-base haskell-hspec-smallcheck photofilmstrip sdbus-cpp shotwell golang-github-gorilla-websocket node-get-func-name r-cran-av libauthen-webauthn-perl rust-const-random-macro drms grengine ruby-lockbox rust-indefinite fonts-lxgw-wenkai therion aspell yamllint ros-rosdep ruby-bootsnap ruby-gitlab-labkit cvprac python-bincopy

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.