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Packages in unstable/i386 tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 924 packages (2.5% of 37035) failed to build reproducibly in total, 70 (11.0% of 638) of them in the last 24h in unstable/i386:

gcc-h8300-hms gfxboot+ gfpoken fs-uae gbrowse blockattack fonts-fantasque-sans cyclograph graxxia gpredict fftw epix freetds+ fsharp flycheck cdebootstrap+ freeplane derby fonts-beteckna closure-compiler c3p0 erlang-proper+ advi+ gnubg dejagnu debian-history fdutils cafeobj buici-clock buddy+ erlang-cowlib buildapp critcl+ cxxtest bsh brickos boolstuff biogenesis clc-intercal+ coinor-dylp bidiui bibclean mpqc augeas codenarc cjk doomsday amanda bcel autokey awesome automake1.11++ checkstyle asc rime-array core-specs-alpha-clojure atitvout raku-hash-merge dnf-plugins-core+ pybdsf mckoisqldb spec-alpha-clojure dxf2gcode klystrack chezscheme range-v3 de4dot process-cpp rust-laurel user-mode-linux

reproducible icon 1096 packages (3.0% of 37035) failed to build from source in total, 36 (5.6% of 638) of them in the last 24h in unstable/i386:

tkcalendar sahara-plugin-spark liquidctl terminado sstp-client maradns devscripts gforth openmsx strace sitecopy fvwm1 gtk-sharp3 crash dvi2ps dune-grid-glue ace-of-penguins amsynth python-bytecode seqan-needle puma cp2k sahara raku-meta6 onionbalance ruby-curb pd-iemnet macaulay2 r-bioc-rsubread wine-development yt bustools jsonpickle ncbi-igblast bornagain kcmutils

reproducible icon 34253 packages (92.5% of 37035) successfully built reproducibly in total, 528 (82.8% of 638) of them in the last 24h in unstable/i386:

lxqt-admin rust-heed-traits lxqt-notificationd r-bioc-rhdf5filters setools gogglesmm node-node-pty dh-r perlnavigator r-cran-rmarkdown python-tempestconf rust-rusqlite golang-github-gorilla-csrf graide node-es-module-lexer mf2py django-cors-headers pyepr openni-sensor-primesense python-tubes eprover dumb-jump-el node-playwright rust-erbium-core rust-glycin sphinxcontrib-jquery rust-vergen python-bcj usgs kasts python-geographiclib hyfetch filtermail rust-xmltree python-inotify rust-arg-enum-proc-macro libgraph-moreutils-perl htscodecs janest-base python-plac python-qtpynodeeditor node-v8-compile-cache rust-interpolate-name ecmwf-api-client python-parsley mantis-xray python-cmaes python-hdmedians pysolid pint-xarray lebiniou python-django-import-export jupyter-telemetry gnome-shell-extensions-extra starjava-tjoin pyqt6 pd-zexy r-cran-vroom rust-ipnet admesh libmail-message-perl pandoc-sidenote xarray-sentinel sarsen node-y-websocket liblatex-tounicode-perl golang-github-nginxinc-nginx-plus-go-client kivy cutesv rmysql node-csstype python-markdown2 python-canmatrix rust-tera kiconthemes python-os-api-ref r-cran-sets fapolicyd rust-chrono ruby-rugged python-django-colorfield mir-eval modemmanager-qt golang-github-bits-and-blooms-bitset osinfo-db python-hatch-nodejs-version conmux omemo-dr explosive-c4 python3-proselint pat debian-installer-utils grilo node-redis node-openpgp-asmcrypto.js python-keyring python-svg.path mfgtools iminuit gfal2-util specreduce node-mdn-browser-compat-data python-jaraco.functools pyninjotiff ruby-puppetserver-ca-cli bart qr-code-generator surf ruby-invisible-captcha node-mime-types fsvs kio-extras sandwich node-rollup extsmail emacs-git-modes node-babel7 python-isc-dhcp-leases r-bioc-decoupler pppconfig python-preshed python-kaptan node-ajv-keywords hnswlib pypandoc rust-lmdb-sys xr-el paq golang-github-skeema-mybase memory-allocator spyder-kernels microsoft-authentication-extensions-for-python python-pefile ataqv dpkg-source-gitarchive python-orderedattrdict relint-el python-vdf atropos pycdio pyrle qt5reactor python-babelgladeextractor live-tasks eslint node-regexpp weechat-matrix node-tap coq-relation-algebra ell python-orderedset golang-github-gorilla-css takari-polyglot-maven python-epimodels neomutt rt-extension-elapsedbusinesstime gnome-mastermind ruby-gpgme php-htmlpurifier input-remapper rust-strum intelrdfpmath python-libais powerline-taskwarrior zope.component python-dracclient yojson astropy-healpix node-eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin rust-strum-macros deft wys pydecorate blinker netty request-tracker5 slurp lxqt-globalkeys r-cran-timedate xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin sorted-nearest r-cran-lava cyarray pique quicktree rust-sysinfo theme-d r-cran-e1071 lxqt-sudo pairtools plastex libjson-path-perl python-stetl redland-bindings vmatch node-resolve ruby-nio4r tseries linklint python-yappi node-mqtt-packet python-xmlschema pyracerz afew tree mod-wsgi wildfly-common stenographer starjava-vo qmapshack python-monasca-statsd node-schema-utils node-ajv golang-github-fatih-color ruby-maven-libs sdl-kitchensink python-aiohttp lxqt-powermanagement rust-crates-io gs-collections scanbd node-ytdl-core ruby-json-spec lxqt-runner rmpi shorewall lxqt-about getstream+ pavucontrol-qt ruby-validates-hostname heapdict libqaccessibilityclient xmotd fastqtl yample ruby-jar-dependencies bamtools xml-core vpb-driver libapache2-mod-authnz-pam+ rear unifdef r-cran-lpsolve ticker qps ruby-minitest-excludes statsprocessor minimap qtermwidget emacs-web-server super-csv junit evil-el lbcd rpart gitit ghostess pytest-cookies python-memprof pylint-django screengrab sysbench git-hub freeimage ggobi spyne parser rblcheck python-mpd prt nslint camlimages seahorse-adventures nexus r-bioc-biocgenerics mueller qterminal ftrading geiser libosmosdr ftgl genders cpuset python-nss librabbitmq python-esmre node-request python-csb libpdfbox-java python-lesscpy original-awk metaconfig m4 pynn libnfc pugixml mistune proxsmtp chemeq gant gumbo-parser ignition-cmake kdiff3 fregression linkchecker funitroots libapache2-mod-form gav mlpost libdjconsole guymager gr-hpsdr openni-sensor-pointclouds gp2c gromit info2www gnome-hwp-support hg-git imgsizer etw gluegen2 ifenslave fluxbox hex-a-hop httpfs2 fuseiso eqonomize cassiopee vdr-plugin-remote gputils iroffer gnustep-make gawk+ hershey-fonts date vdr-plugin-epgsync ctsim git-buildpackage irssi vdr-plugin-svdrpservice fimport fonts-cns11643 elki chase fl-cow exiv2 etoile fbonds ipvsadm ftpmirror fastjet debconf-kde cdcd cloudcompare proftpd-mod-counter bootp node-matrix-js-sdk cdparanoia flog flexml cscope fastd fhist critterding erlang-uuid cwidget fig2sxd dares cdcover electric-fence covered ctfutils# engauge-digitizer exonerate boinctui encfs exodusii ergo effects bootpc cvsd enigma connectome-workbench erlang-cowboy balsa dogtag-pki edid-decode bwbasic+ eperl blt elixir-lang kjsembed eggdrop bglibs# cmtk bs2b-ladspa drumgizmo ebook-tools ditaa coinor-vol cl-sql duff dvd-slideshow dovecot-antispam drawterm basket dochelp dime bandit authbind colortail apache-upload-progress-module+ apache2-mod-xforward analitza ckbuilder python-sphinxcontrib.apidoc asunder aewm++-goodies+ ol-notmuch chiark-tcl alure cgit abind clamz+ 2048 gio-qt qtmpris cclive+ qstylizer alevt python-stone dita-ot ktp-accounts-kcm arpwatch auto-07p kemoticons grpn ardentryst kpat rust-syscallz minuet aribas+ node-tippex kitemviews asterisk-flite xserver-xorg-input-elographics apt-offline kaccounts-integration kdav eyes17-manuals recastnavigationP ruby-regexp-parser+ kfourinline ktp-common-internals cervisia xserver-xorg-input-mutouch artikulate ktp-text-ui calligraplan baloo-widgets lua-zlib libgit-raw-perl qabcs konqueror libkdegames iverilog kcoreaddons super-save-el enki-aseba coq-quickchick codec2 ocaml-unix-errno node-uri-js libseqlib python-djangorestframework-simplejwt soupsieve rust-sys-info kolourpaint ktorrent hts-nim-tools vibes r-cran-data.table python-avro asf-search udisks2 puppet-module-manila coquelicot asn mathcomp-finmap vine puppet-module-openstack-extras puppet-module-mistral puppet-module-placement puppet-module-tempest puppet-module-nova puppet-module-heat puppet-module-ovn pymdown-extensions rust-trybuild frr rust-serde-derive puppet-module-gnocchi wtforms puppet-module-octavia rust-serde-json wp2latex puppet-module-magnum puppet-module-neutron lemonldap-ng puppet-module-vswitch pyicu mediainfo coq-reglang python-aiohttp-session rust-thiserror-impl rust-proc-macro2 coq-deriving prompt-toolkit mathcomp-zify puppet-module-horizon flatpak dnsdiag feedparser fossil mathcomp-bigenough rust-serde rust-thiserror

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.